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Holiday Stories


Fun in the Sun

Broadening My Horizons

Hi Everyone, My name is Rebecca but most people call me Becky . I have been looking at the site for quite a while now but have only just decided to post a story Thanks to everyone who has sent me such nice messages when I joined SH :) I thought it would b...


Holiday Sex Is The Best Sex

The things we do on our holidays.

My partner, Michelle, and I had been seeing each other for about six months when we decided to go on our first holiday abroad together. After looking through many holiday brochures we decided on the stunning Koh Samui in Thailand. Neither of us had been t...

Holiday Time

When warm sunshine and plentiful alcohol meet and sex is the result.

I am sure most, if not all people will have such a story as this one. When I was 22 my girlfriend Stacey was 25 5’1” and size 8 blonde hair, and at that point was still trying to tell me she was a good girl. We had been going out for a couple of months an...

Holiday excursion.

The crew aboard the yaught makes sure the wife is looked after and entertained

It was long over due when my husband and I decided to book a holiday and found a perfect package to Turkey. After what seemed like ages we were eventually flying out for a well earned rest. We had been there several days, when we decided to take a walk in...

A Short Holiday Interlude

How a chance meeting in a supermarket led to days of incredible fucking

I was chatting to someone online who was telling me how no one believed him when he got picked up and fucked by a stranger in a shop once, and I told him that the same had happened to me! After sharing experiences he suggested that I add it to stories so...

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Holiday in the Sun

How Georgia found out she’s an exhibitionist!

Holiday in the sun Written by Neil about him and Georgia. We're on holiday together in Spain and it's very hot. We've been sun bathing and you want to go to the room for a short while to cool down. When we get in, I lay on the bed and close my eyes, you a...

Holiday Cuck

This is the 4th part of my story of how my 50 year old wife explored her sexuality on a holiday in Crete, a couple of years before covid hit. It was now Tuesday morning, and Linda had agreed to have a threesome with German tourists Karl and Matthias today...

Holiday Cuck

Wife Experiments on Holiday 3

Linda meets Matthias

This is the 3rd part of my story of how my 50 year old wife explored her sexuality on a holiday in Crete, a couple of years before covid hit. In part 1 Linda came around to the idea of fucking another guy since she was on holiday and went on a date with h...

Holiday Cuck

Wife Experiments on Holiday - Part 2

Linda enjoys her new sexual confidence

This is the 2nd part of my story of how my 50 year old wife explored her sexuality on a holiday in Crete, a couple of years before covid hit. It was Sunday morning, the morning after Linda had gone on a date with Karl, a German who was staying in the hote...

Holiday Cuck

Wife Experiments on Holiday

Linda agrees to extramarital sex, when far from home

After reading stories on here for years, I thought it was time I contributed. This is a true story, about something that happened when my wife Linda and I were on holiday in Crete a couple of years before covid. First, a bit of background. I was in my mid...


Holiday lock down

Lisa and Carla started to kiss and play with each other.

Covid didn't cause the first time we were in iscolation. Greg and Trev wanted me to join them on holiday. Greg was organising it. He had a good reason, he was trying to get his girlfriend and her mate on the same holiday. I wasn't keen as I could see two...