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Oral sex Stories

oral sex

A pensioner ruins my young wife

couple moves into a flat in a converted old building and find they are by far the youngest there , then meet old Arthur and his wife.

I’m Phil, I’m 45 and married to Nicola who’s 28. I work away allot a little while ago I moved to live with my wife in a very nice apartment in an old Victorian manor house; the relevance of this will become apparent. My wife and I are the youngest people...

My surprise in Spain (part 2)

My wife continued to work in Spain , then a new owner took over and the game changed

My name is James but people call me Jim I’m married to a wonderful woman called Eva, she was 25 when this started and still sings and plays piano professionally after the last time I visited Eva she got a new contract which is open ended. I work as an eng...


A young wife give hubby a sex voucher for anywhere anytime with her, and he knows exactly where to take her.

My wife Alyssa is gorgeous. At 24 years old, She's 5'4", 108 lbs, and has an incredible ass and legs along with some healthy C cup breasts. She has always been very conservative when it comes to her body and wearing revealing clothes in public, but every...

Holiday adventure

Trip to a bar in Amsterdam set a growing idea and urge to do something new

On a recent trip to Holland, my wife, Kristy and I spent some time sightseeing in Amsterdam. One evening we were drinking in a bar, when a man got up on the stage and began dancing. He kept inviting women to come up and dance with him and finally one woma...

All about her

It started as an unconventional restaurant meet

I was sent very clear guidelines, rules and instructions during our pre-meet chats. In summary though, I was to follow the pre-written instruction and only deviate when she gave verbal instructions to the contrary. I was not allowed to talk at all. My onl...

A suprisingly enjoyable Eurovision Night

Discovering the pleasure of a big one after enjoying her big toys

After a girls night catch up Alexa returned home and plonked her self on the couch next to me, ready to spill the gossip of all the shenanigans that had been ongoing in and around her friends lives. Some interesting, some mundane and then the last bit whi...

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Building confidence with toys early on

As Alexa became more comfortable with sex toys they soon started getting bigger

As Alexa and I have got older we have naturally lost some of our inhibitions and concerns in life, thinking life is too short, trying our best to enjoy the moment in all aspects. When I first met Alexa she was not particularly keen on the idea of sex toys...

Canadians, Toby and Candice love to fuck people whilst away from home and last September they were back in Preston visiting family when we arranged to meet. We'd met several times previous and it was always great fun, we'd chat in hotel bar, a few drinks,...


Our Second Masseur

We booked him for 4 hours

After we had tried our first masseur, it was always on the cards that it was going to happen again. We talked and talked about the first experience. How he had licked her out, came in her mouth, and each time we talked about it, we were subconsciously pla...

The mother in law

husband working away she lives in the same house as the M-in-law who takes advantage of the lonely younger woman

"See you in three months." Mark leant over to give her a quick kiss before walking down the path to where the taxi sat waiting. He lifted his hand to her before stashing his bag in the back and getting in the car. Nancy waived until the car was no longer...