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Transgender Stories

The open-minded swinging community is a sanctum for all types of singles and couples looking to explore their sexual fantasies, including transgender people who identity to a different sex than what they were assigned to at birth.

The term trans can be a broad description that encompasses transsexual, transvestite and transgendered people, having transitioned from female to male (FTM) or male to female (MTF).

Sexual relationships with transgenders have been discovered to be an incredibly erotic and liberating sexual encounter. Share your own transgender stories and explore the relationships that others from the swinging community have experienced.

The night I took 40+ inches of TS's cock ( Chapter 2 - Continued)

Chapter 2:  An Iron Bar Hits My Face, and I Am Forced to Rim All The Girls

The night I took 40+ inches of TS's cock For those of you just starting to read about my event I suggest you read Chapter 1. The five girls started to surround me and push their concealed packages into my face. I licked at each of their bulges, growing in...

The night I took 40+ inches of TS's cock.

Chapter 1: Let the Party Commence - Meet the Girls

I love TS girls, and one of my many fantasies was to be made airtight by TS magic wands. My definition of airtight is one TS cock down my throat, one up my arse, and my cock anal fucking a TS pussy. This time, I decided to go large in every sense of the w...


Hiya foxy SISSY_SWEET_GIRL hey there MR-G How's you? SISSY_SWEET_GIRL good thanks you? MR-G Recovering from a hangover.. MR-G But all good 😊 SISSY_SWEET_GIRL have to say self inflicted injury lol MR-G Yup... I'm sure I'll live lmao MR-G Persuaded your gi...


My night with a trans girl

Trans women are women - so this doesn’t go against the arrangement I have with my bf… or does it?

I’m currently in a long term relationship, but my bf is supportive in me meeting other women. I’m hoping to get to the stage where I can tell him about my exploits, or perhaps where he can join in, but at the moment he wishes to remain blissfully ignorant...

Score 36 36
4.9k Views 4.9k
1.2k words 1.2k words

1977 transgender shopping

theres no sex in this one xxxx

1977 transgender shopping its just for the transgender people of today to know what it was like then its about a Saturday outing to Rotherham with my mistress to buy clothes and about thoughts fashions etc , firstly transgender wasn't a main stream word t...


Hotel fun

A sneaky encounter in London

Just recently back after a few days in London. Unfortunately my gf was with me so play time was limited. On one of the nights tho she wasn't feeling too good so I left her in our room while I headed down to the hotel bar. Sitting alone I started to explor...

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