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Public sex Stories

public sex


out on date night for a meal but did not want to go home so hit the adult cinema

Diane and her husband, John had gone out to dinner at Lilies and decided to take in a movie as it was still early. The movies now playing didn't sound too good and they couldn't pick one that they both wanted to see. Seeing the movies listed that were pla...

Cinema Blow Job Turns into Creampie

So this happened about 20 years ago with me, 28 at the time and my ex girlfriend 21 at the time.

So this happened about 20 years ago with me, 28 at the time and my ex girlfriend 21 at the time. We had been together for about 4 months and we were enjoying a great sex life. We started having this thing where we began to have sex in public. Public sex w...

Down in the Dunes

She told me she was going to wank me and give me a blow job and she was going to swallow my load for our audience

‘Look to your left but don’t let him see you.’ Sen hissed out of the corner of her mouth. ‘Who?’ I tried to nonchalantly but quietly reply as we walked past the scrub in the middle of the dunes. Of course, it wasn’t at all obvious that we were now loiteri...

Flashing in the theatre led to a handsome stranger fucking me in the bathroom.

Fucked by huge cock whilst hubby was blissfully unaware.

We do love the theatre and go frequently, we have a relative who is often performing and often obtain free tickets which is a super bonus. This particular show was a Saturday night and we were having drinks in the theatre bar prior to the show, I had noti...

Fun in the Sun

Broadening My Horizons

Hi Everyone, My name is Rebecca but most people call me Becky . I have been looking at the site for quite a while now but have only just decided to post a story Thanks to everyone who has sent me such nice messages when I joined SH :) I thought it would b...

Sharing my wife with strangers.

Some of our hottest experiences came by total surprise.

We'd been married for three years and had been swingers for most of that time. Lynn was an avid exhibitionist and exposed herself to my friends when we were at home, and everyone possible when we were out of town. We had gone to a convention out of town a...

The porn shop visit.

couple got in a rut sex wise and he seeks a way to change things.

"Come on, Kelly. It will only take a couple minutes for us to pick a good one and then we will leave. It's not as if you are going to meet anyone you know in there." Kelly was quite hesitant to go into the adult video store for several reasons, but one of...

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Separate, but far from alone, the new Sergeant and Mel cavort in Forston

Here we are again, folks with Part 5 of the sprawling epic that is HOT AND FUZZY. I hope you’re enjoying it so far and I guess if you’re returning to read some more you probably are. I guess that means that I should just shut up and let you get on with it...

The Best Ride Out

What could happen when bikers are swingers

This Is total fiction…. I made this up after a meeting with a very sexy couple, and although we met in a nice clean warm hotel, my mind doesn’t always go that way. The Day was warm, not very hot but more importantly dry, why importantly dry I was going to...

Granite City. Part 3

Sex in the cinema.

They had a car of course. It took about twenty five minutes to drive into the city centre. Angus drove around pointing out the sights. I have to say, it's a handsome city, but forgive me Aberdonians, it's just another city. Nor was I interested in being a...

Studland 3

We love summer

So we wake up and I make tea get back in bed and start to finger S,she's moaning I get a couple of fingers up her cunt and get her to just about cumming and remove my fingers and lick her juices from them, she's slowly wanking me I feel my juice raising s...


40 year old virgin

I didn’t know until I seduced her

This was some 12 years ago and I was running a big program with about 80 staff. Anyway I took on a new finance/general manager lady and we got on very well. We often had meetings away and stayed over for one or two nights with usually 3-4 people from our...