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Car sex Stories

car sex

Ann and date night

Ann enjoys the journey home.

We had been married for little over two years and had our first child. Ann would have been about twenty eight. Our sex life had not slowed, it had improved now she was able to again be the slut she was previously. A point in case, the midwife jokingly sug...

Jack T

Wife's Australian Cousin

A surprising turn of events from a visit down under

I’d only met my wife’s cousin Vicky a few times over the 20+ years we’ve been married. I can’t say I warmed to her much. She was a mouthy Aussie, with unkept hair, an out of shape body and dreadful dress sense! But she was family, so when she was back in...


Taking a drive with you has always been one of my favourite things to do. Just hanging out, talking, like we’ve done many times before, however tonight’s drive was so much more than that. The teasing conversation earlier with yes/no questions had gotten m...

Granite City. Part 3

Sex in the cinema.

They had a car of course. It took about twenty five minutes to drive into the city centre. Angus drove around pointing out the sights. I have to say, it's a handsome city, but forgive me Aberdonians, it's just another city. Nor was I interested in being a...


Mr first mature wife

Part 2, our first night of outdoor fun

After our successful first meet, Tracey and I continued to exchange texts and erotic phone calls. She soon had a video phone and would send videos of her rubbing her clit at work, and vice versa she loves seeing me wank my throbbing cock over here. I expl...

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A Happy Christmas

More sexy fun with Grace and the cuck

December I didn’t see Grace or the cuck from our weekend in London until after Christmas, which was good - it let things cool off. We’d spent three weekends in a row together and talked every day, so it had felt intense. The old me analysed our weekend aw...

My wife, Lily, Hotwife with boyfriends, taken on dates, but sometimes went whoring.

"My pussy and mouth are for other men to use nowadays, ha ha cuckold"

My wife, Lily, Hotwife with boyfriends, taken on dates, but sometimes went whoring. Lily enjoyed 'denying' me sex and said "My pussy and mouth are for other men to use nowadays, ha ha cuckold" Lily has now realised some men like to use her arse and she ha...


We’ll time for part 2 as many people enjoyed part 1 hope this tickles your fancy The week after our first meeting I was ready for another encounter, we had been texting all week and trying to arrange something, it was Saturday and she had messaged saying...

After a decade, we met again.

My ex-boss' wife and I were fucking for months. And we met again... after a decade.

Since last year, I have been working on myself, going to the gym often so I can whip myself back into shape. I always go when the place opens or when it will close for the night, not a fan of crowds, especially in places like this. I was on the elliptical...


Sexual Release (Part 6)

Beyond threesomes - FMMM...

Previously, I recounted how my friend Sally and her hubby Bill had included me in their sex nights. I had been meeting them 2 or 3 times a week for sex as hubby was not giving me the attention I craved. Sally had been willing to share Bill completely and...


The last hole

As I looked at the view Anna stripped off

My wife and I have a nice house in a nice village in Gloucestershire. My wife works in the NHS and does long hours. I am fortunate in that I can work from home. I was sat in my office and peering out the window at new neighbors moving into the cottage beh...

I finally convinced her!

She enjoyed it I think

I finally did it got the girlfriend to go with me! It's taken nearly 3 years of asking and hinting but I worked! Let me give you some background we are both 21 now but back when we got together I didn't drive but then I got a car after about a year, now t...