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Wife's Australian Cousin

"A surprising turn of events from a visit down under"

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I’d only met my wife’s cousin Vicky a few times over the 20+ years we’ve been married. I can’t say I warmed to her much. She was a mouthy Aussie, with unkept hair, an out of shape body and dreadful dress sense! But she was family, so when she was back in the UK there’d normally be a get together. For someone ten years younger than me, she seemed much older in her outlook.

I wasn’t overly excited about her visit this summer. My wife was working the day she was due to arrive, so I did the dutiful thing by agreeing to pick her up at the airport. And as her mother was no longer alive, she would use our place as a base for her various planned trips. So I tracked her flight online and turned up at Heathrow and waited. It seemed to take an age for her to collect bags and get through passport control and I’d got distracted by people-watching when I felt hands over my eyes from behind “guess who!” she said. As I turned around I could barely believe my eyes. In front of me was a fab looking slender brunette with a sexy short haircut and a lovely summer dress (albeit a little creased!). “Da-da!” she said holding out her hands, showing off her new look. I instinctively reached out to hug her, which seemed much longer and tighter than normal. As we parted, she kissed my cheek and my hand slid down her arm and gave her hand a squeeze. She smiled and the small talk began. “Sorry I took ages, I just had to have a shower after that flight”. I took her bag and as we walked to the car park, she put her arm through mine and chatted about stuff – I can’t remember what.

We still have a large but aging people carrier. It’s the sort where the middle seats fold into the floor so the back seats are like being in a limo with blacked out windows. My wife hates it, but everyone who hasn’t been in one before is amazed by the amount of space inside. “I bet you can have fun in this” she said as I guided her into the passenger seat. “depends who I’m with” I replied with a wink. “What about with Susan?” (my wife). “She hates it” I said matter of fact. It probably told her more than I’d intended to.

The traffic was awful and after an hour of going nowhere, Vicky needed the loo. This stretch of the M25 has no services but I know the local routes well so I stopped at a hotel I knew. I parked up away from the main entrance and in we went. “I’ll see you back at the car”. I said. “We could have a drink while we’re here?” she asked. “Why not” I replied. So we ventured in, went to the loo and met at the bar.

I was driving, so had a low alcohol beer. Vicky had a gin and tonic – a large one. We found a sofa to relax on and chat. For someone who’d just spent 24 hours flying, Vicky was very animated and full of questions about homelife, kids, marriage, etc. I had a sense she was fishing. I was perhaps overly truthful about my wife’s lack of interest in sex these days. Vicky sympathised and at one point squeezed my hand almost to comfort me. Then she went to the bar and re-ordered. We chatted some more but time was passing, and I was aware that we needed to head off.

As we got to the car she grabbed the keys from me and used them to open the automatic sliding side doors. “I’m going to try the seats in the back” she declared as she clambered in. “come on, you too”. “I need to drive” I reminded her. “well you’ll need to come and get the keys” she said, waving them at me as she sank into the rear bench seat. As I climbed in to get them, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me into her for a full on snog. She deftly closed the side door with the key fob and slid her body half on top of mine. I was instantly hard and enjoying the moment.

I found the zip on her dress, lowered it and soon had her right breast in my mouth as she was completely on top of me now, fumbling with my belt and attempting to pull my trousers down. I willingly co-operated and they were soon around my ankles. Underwear came next. Not much was said as I pulled her knickers aside from her crotch and she sank her wet pussy onto my cock. She paused with her eyes closed and then started riding my cock rhythmically. I took her left breast into my mouth and tweaked her right nipple. “Fuck me harder” she commanded. I took the hint and turned us over so that she was flat on the bench seat and I was on top. A frenetic shag followed, somewhat hampered by the clothing around my ankles which stubbornly wouldn’t be shaken off. She didn’t care – she just held me tightly around my neck as I declared I was going to cum.

“please do” she said. “kiss me while I cum inside you” I barked. She turned her face towards me and our tongues lashed as I emptied my balls into her. it’s a long time since I’ve ejaculated that strongly and Vicky was instantly aware that she was leaking cum onto her dress. She had her hand over her soaking pussy as she asked me to grab some tissues from her hand luggage. After stashing a wad of tissues into her knickers she turned to me, smiled and kissed me. “I needed that!” she said. “Me too!” I replied. We laughed and I sat back on the seat. She leaned over and took my cock in her mouth, giving it a little suck to help clean me up. “tasty” she said. “I need the loo again”. And with that she was gone – back to the hotel.

I got dressed and sat there waiting. Pleasantly shocked. Still breathing heavily and coming to terms with what had just happened. A very unexpected turn of events. This was going to be one hell of a stay!

Written by Jack T

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