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Group sex Stories

group sex

My surprise in Spain (part 2)

My wife continued to work in Spain , then a new owner took over and the game changed

My name is James but people call me Jim I’m married to a wonderful woman called Eva, she was 25 when this started and still sings and plays piano professionally after the last time I visited Eva she got a new contract which is open ended. I work as an eng...

Holiday adventure

Trip to a bar in Amsterdam set a growing idea and urge to do something new

On a recent trip to Holland, my wife, Kristy and I spent some time sightseeing in Amsterdam. One evening we were drinking in a bar, when a man got up on the stage and began dancing. He kept inviting women to come up and dance with him and finally one woma...


The last throws of the dice, but will be the outcome?

HORNMANJI: The last throws of the dice - Part 5. The finale. So here we are. After delay and delay and endless struggle you mucky pups finally get an end to this five-part filth-fest. May you enjoy the salacious and saucy goings-on as this journey complet...

Honesty was the best policy

Revealing our bisexuality

Not all my encounters were of a bisexual nature and I enjoyed liaisons with both sexes. I always managed to use my mouth to good effect no matter what gender they were. I was equally at home sucking cock as well as licking pussy and burying my face betwee...


Steven and I become lovers, however a meeting with friends was about to change all that with a surprise revelation from one of them.

The first few months after we went our separate ways was, for me, the most difficult. I'd lost my confidence, my ED raised its ugly head, then the sale of the house fell through so we were still financially connected as we rented it out with at least a st...

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Probably six months after she met with her ex-boyfriend, Richard, and the revealing of her sexual past, and all its’ filthiness, I asked if she would like to meet him again. She replied that she would like to, but it would have to be the last time as she...

Fun in the Sun - part 5

Time To Broaden My Horizons

We had a light lunch at the hotel and then popped up to the room to collect a few things for the beach. I decided to put on my own bikini bottoms as I knew I would want to go for a swim lol As I put them on Annie rolled her eyes and jokingly shook her hea...

Marine 1-2 part 2

Wife introduces me to her new friends

Still reeling from my shock discovery, it would be several more months before my wife finally brought the disk out, a bedtime treat she called it. She knew what could revive my ED cursed cock back to some kind of resemblance of a hard on. We both had a ki...

Sharing my wife with strangers.

Some of our hottest experiences came by total surprise.

We'd been married for three years and had been swingers for most of that time. Lynn was an avid exhibitionist and exposed herself to my friends when we were at home, and everyone possible when we were out of town. We had gone to a convention out of town a...


Lewis Doppelgänger lifestyle finally catches up with him

Have we got to the end of this short story about mistaken identity quite so quickly? It appears so…but what of the invite Lewis received at the end of the last chapter? Let’s rejoin our dim but diligent hero in this final part. IF I’M EVERYWHERE, WHERE AM...

One last time

Wife finally succumbed to a younger bull

After receiving a very attractive offer for our two hotels, Peter, my wife and I moved back to the UK and into a very nice farmhouse in Cheshire. Peter was only half an hour's drive away and Helen a frequent visitor not that much further so weekend stays...