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Used wife Stories

used wife

A pensioner ruins my young wife

couple moves into a flat in a converted old building and find they are by far the youngest there , then meet old Arthur and his wife.

I’m Phil, I’m 45 and married to Nicola who’s 28. I work away allot a little while ago I moved to live with my wife in a very nice apartment in an old Victorian manor house; the relevance of this will become apparent. My wife and I are the youngest people...

Reunion with uni mates

Wife reluctantly enjoys reunion and pays outstanding “debt”

“Hey honey, you’ll never guess what arrived in the post this morning! An invite to the 5 year uni reunion” I knew what was coming , he would want to go, not worried about the fact that it would mean leaving our 4 month old daughter behind. “Come on we hav...

Movie night

During a night shift a colleague downloads a porn movie that got quite interesting

It was a warm night and I wasnt looking forward to another boring night shift. I'd been there several hours when Tom couldn't stop telling me about a porn movie he'd seen online recently. Tom was a perv and always watching dirty movies. The lady in it was...

Holiday excursion.

The crew aboard the yaught makes sure the wife is looked after and entertained

It was long over due when my husband and I decided to book a holiday and found a perfect package to Turkey. After what seemed like ages we were eventually flying out for a well earned rest. We had been there several days, when we decided to take a walk in...

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Buisness Trip

A wife is sent on another boring buisness trip, which turns out anything but boring.

Hi my name is Rachel, I'm a 50yr old buisness woman around 5' 8" tall, strawberry blonde hair and an average build for my height with proportionate sized breast. My work sees me on many trips representing my company, so I'm away from home and my husband a...

An old friend and our life changes

How a couples life changes completely after an old friend enters there life

The evening had arrived when Dave's 2 friends were due to arrive. We were all sat in the living room, the TV was on but I was far to nervous to watch it, my mind was racing ten to the dozen, wondering what these two friends would be like and what my poor...

Taxi home

Rachel didnt expect her night to end so well

It had been a great night out with the girls in town but I had work the next day so kissed my girly friends goodbye and headed out of the club in search of a taxi. It was a warm night, I was wearing a black mini skirt, satin vest top and heels, for a 50yr...

An old friend takes over my house and wife

A husbands fantasy is going pear shaped

Dave my old mate from the past, was actually becoming a regular visitor to our house. I admit that I owe him loads, if it wasn't for Dave, my sex life would have become quite mundane, since his last visit he really has opened our eyes with the introductio...