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Lesbian show Stories

lesbian show

The porn shop visit.

couple got in a rut sex wise and he seeks a way to change things.

"Come on, Kelly. It will only take a couple minutes for us to pick a good one and then we will leave. It's not as if you are going to meet anyone you know in there." Kelly was quite hesitant to go into the adult video store for several reasons, but one of...


Who's the daddy

My sister had me impregnate her lesbian lover

From an early age, fifteen, I got the hots for my sister’s best friend Ella. She filled my dreams and most of my waking thoughts as well. The two of them wore skimp clothing which only made things worse for me. I seemed to spend hours on end with unwanted...


Two for one

She pulled me to her and took out my cock and gave me a great blow job

Hi, everyone calls me J.D. and I have a real dilemma which in some ways started forty years ago. In high school I was quite shy. I had a crush on a girl called Hilda. She was in the year above me and due to my shyness, there was absolutely no way was I ev...


This is a true story it’s sounds made up but it actually happened. My wife is gorgeous she turns heads and cocks everywhere she goes, I met her when she was a virgin I was much older and experienced she loved sex, there wasn’t much that we wouldn’t do tog...

Trevor T.

Fantasies can come true

We ended up with our first threesome and went from there.

I was watching some porn cast to my TV from my laptop. I was slowly wanking to the action on screen when my girlfriend walked in, and worse still she had a friend with her. I had the choice of covering up or kill the TV. I tried to do both and failed at b...


Picked up an older woman

Mate and I picked up two women and took them home for a foursome and hubby watched.

My mate Paul and I were both eighteen . We were out celebrating his birthday and decided to try and get into a local club. Fortunately both of us looked older than we were. The club was busy and the doorman didn't query our ages and we were in. I went to...