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Black cocks Stories

Black cocks

Will has always been very obliging when it comes to my desire for cocks so for my recent birthday I got a very BIG yummy surprise! We decided to go away for my birthday weekend and booked a nice hotel for the occasion, we got there on the Friday evening b...


Debs is back for black - Part 1

Meeting a big lad in the gym and knowing he’ll fill Debs to satisfaction!

Debs has a taste for chocolate, and not just in boxes and bars! She said to me she fancied some more black cock as it’s been a good several months since her last. The only question was where to get her some new prime beef? I asked Debs’s what kinda man sh...

My first Big Black Cock

A fun night of passion

My husband and I have been in the lifestyle for about a year. During our year of exploration, we befriended a black couple we met at a couple’s party. They were both attractive and my pussy got wet thinking about having sex with him. A little about me, I...

Tom P

Black Gym Cock for Wife

Wife acts out naughty wife for husband.

Gym Fantasy Surprise My wife and I enjoy fantasy sex and it always gets us off. She likes it when I tell her I want her to be a hot naughty wife. The other day, just as she was leaving for the gym she asked if I was serious about me wanting her to be naug...

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The journey

Becoming a hotwife.

My wife has always been hot blooded and highly sexed. Her Brazilian heritage has given her a great figure with big tits, ringlets of long blonde hair, a great figure that has always grabbed a lot of male attention and a libido that ensures that she has a...