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First date sex Stories

first date sex

My first time

Unexpected evening where I accidentally inseminated my friend

Although this happened a long time ago I'll never forget my first experience so I'll write this as best as I can remember, I hope it invokes memories of your first experiences. This happened unexpectedly when after a night out on the town with my long tim...

One To One

Sometimes one is more than enough

I had been talking to this lady, we will call her Alice, after meeting her briefly at a social event. The brief chat we had meant I wanted to know more, so when she popped up on line I said hello. Well the chats went well and became more and more flirtati...

An afternoon not to forget

NSA hotel encounter with passionate lady

We met in a chat room on SH and it was obvious we clicked straight away. We didn't cam together as it was awkward for her at home. But that didn't stop us from having a private conversation in the chatroom that was funny and arousing in equal measure. Aft...