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Office sex Stories

office sex

Winning the contract - part 4

A multi-part story of modern business practice.

I take off my tie, unbutton my pure white shirt, exposing my torso to reveal a moderately hirsute chest. “You’re clearly a man who predates waxing his chest”. I discard my black socks, remove my belt and step out of my suit trousers. Perhaps Susan was exp...

Winning the contract - part 3

A multi-part story of modern business practice!

Standing in front of Susan’s desk, she responds with a gentle, teasing admonishment “oh no Peter, I will tell you where we start. Come closer to me, I want to take a good look at you. But first, close the blinds would you.” After doing so, catching a smil...

Winning the contract..and much more - part 1.

A multiple-part story of modern business practice!

I arrived in good time for my 1pm meeting with the joint company director. I’m pitching for business with her company, one of a number of potential suppliers looking to work with her company, so of course I am very keen to impress, to stand out amongst th...


A Swansong for R

After eight years she felt a cock once again

I had arranged to meet R but there was no guarantee she would show. She had told me she was in a loveless marriage and only stayed with him to keep the lifestyle and the family together as she doted on her grandchildren. R was the office manager and was 6...

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Wife knew I was cheating

My wife suggested that I sleep with her sister.

I would like to tell you about our unusual arrangements. I was twenty four when I met Valerie (Val) and two days later when I met Vanessa (Nessa). They were sisters that were born eighteen months apart. I was going out with Val, but soon found that Nessa...