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Casual sex Stories

casual sex

A suprisingly enjoyable Eurovision Night

Discovering the pleasure of a big one after enjoying her big toys

After a girls night catch up Alexa returned home and plonked her self on the couch next to me, ready to spill the gossip of all the shenanigans that had been ongoing in and around her friends lives. Some interesting, some mundane and then the last bit whi...

Fun in the Sun

Broadening My Horizons

Hi Everyone, My name is Rebecca but most people call me Becky . I have been looking at the site for quite a while now but have only just decided to post a story Thanks to everyone who has sent me such nice messages when I joined SH :) I thought it would b...

Married lovers - Part 1

This happened a few years ago, but is still fresh in my mind

James and Sophie had known each other for many years, they were married but not to each other. They met via the men’s work first becoming friends and then lovers. This is an account of one their adventures where they managed to get away together for 36 ho...

The late wife and her work friend and me new years eve

I slowly pulled my cock out and dropped on the bed next to Sue. Kim remained on Sue with her ass still pointed in the air. Sue kissed me and told me how much she loved me.

One of the new years I remember very well. This happened I think about 2011 if I remember was a long time ago My late wife Sue and I were swingers. We spent a lot of time looking for couples and singles online. The ever elusive single female remained just...

One night, I was chilling out watching Netflix, and was very very horny. I checked all my hookup apps to see who was about and looking. While checking fabguys, I saw a man I've not seen on there before; he was older (in his late 40s), good looking and had...

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My first ever swinging meet...

American tourists enjoying all that Britain had to offer

This was my first ever swinging meet with a couple, or with anyone for that matter. It was in 2003 so the beginning of the mass use of the Internet and when MSN Groups were a thing for enthusiasts to join. I think I was a member of an Alan Partridge group...