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Hubby will set the scene for this story before my wife takes over for the actual meeting. We are a happily married couple of over 40 years and been around Swinging Heaven for a few years without meeting anyone. He is 62, 6ft 2 tall and medium build, grey...

A suprisingly enjoyable Eurovision Night

Discovering the pleasure of a big one after enjoying her big toys

After a girls night catch up Alexa returned home and plonked her self on the couch next to me, ready to spill the gossip of all the shenanigans that had been ongoing in and around her friends lives. Some interesting, some mundane and then the last bit whi...

A Wishful Dream

A fantasy story, written on holiday in Greece with my late wife.

I lay on the lounger, I watch as you swim back and forth in the pool, your naked tanned body moves effortlessly through the water. You ease yourself from the pool. Your body glistens in the morning sun, from the combination of water and tanning oil. For i...


The best sex to date is with an older woman

As when she bent down to pick her drink up her tits nearly fell out

Hi all my name is David and I'm 28 years old. I hope my encounter with an older woman will encourage other younger blokes to try the older lady, don't be put off by age. I would like to tell about something that happened a few months ago. I was called up...


Val's Trigger

It penetrate her tiny anus, Val squealed loudly, and I held still expecting to be told to take it out.

It’s sad but I was single, twenty-four, and still living at home with my parents. Then things took an upturn. The house next door became free when the old man there was taking into care. The house was redecorated from top to bottom and then a couple in th...


Holiday in the Sun

How Georgia found out she’s an exhibitionist!

Holiday in the sun Written by Neil about him and Georgia. We're on holiday together in Spain and it's very hot. We've been sun bathing and you want to go to the room for a short while to cool down. When we get in, I lay on the bed and close my eyes, you a...


First fuck

That initial feeling

I've written many times about fucking a colleague, Sarah - not real name. The first time i shot my load inside her (with condom on) was funny in parts. We'd had our initial meeting where I had fingered her and she then surprisingly sucked me off so well....

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My asian beauty

He pimped Cherry out to me for the loan of one hundred pounds.

In our early twenties one of my mates, Gareth, married a gorgeous Asian girl. Everyone called her Cherry as her name was pretty unpronounceable. I asked him how he met her and he told me that he had bought her. I really wasn't sure if her was joking or no...


Sue gets taken for more than dinner.

I heard myself shout, Oh god don't stop.

My wife got in from work and was in a very cheerful mood. Over dinner I asked her what had her in that mood. she told me that Simon had hit on her. Let me tell you a few little things first before we get to the main story. Sue and I were both thirty one a...


Mistake led to night of love

I chatted up the wron girl and ended up with a woman

I was 19 years old when this happened and it was in the early nineteen seventies. My job as an apprentice for the GPO meant I dealt with the operators faults. There was a lot of women and girls working for the company and in the building I worked in. I sp...