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Virginity Stories

Lottie and BBB

From a virgin to a slut wife

B's dad had a grin on his face and he was soon fucking me on the stairs. I had fucked father and son.

Hi I’m Charlotte. My husband recently showed me you’re website, I love the letters, and that has prompted me to write how I went from a fairly shy teenager to becoming a slut wife. Firstly, let me tell you that very few people call me Charlotte, I either...


Kelly wanted to lose her virginity in a hurry.

I discovered that I couldn't live without Kelly even if she did sleep with other men

I had just returned to university for my third year after the summer break. I had set myself up in the rooms I rented and decided to go to the students union bar for a few drinks before turning in. All the new comers had started along with most of the sec...


How Sarah became a woman

The film showed my cock between her pussy lips and then I pushed it in and held still.

It was a fine Saturday morning and as a photographer I was out doing the wedding photos for a young couple that was just getting married. The bride looked lovely, although there were signs that she had a slight bump. I wondered if this was a bit of a shot...


Melvins first but not last time.

He had a big cock, but he lasted for an age before he came in the same pussy I had come in

I met Melvin on our very first day at school. At that young age I didn’t realize the issues that Melvin had. Besides being much bigger than kids his own age he was also slow in learning and suffered with narcoleptic fits. It was pretty scary the first tim...

Lisa and Muff

Love the bush

I woke and could see up Lisa's skirt to her panties and pubic hairs escaping

It all started when I was sixteen. My mates all called me muff. That was because I had seen my mums and several bushes of girls we were at school with. I had a fascination and was obsessed with women and girl’s patches of pubic hairs. By seventeen I had n...

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I got the gal

She was a virgin at thirty six years old and wanted me to take it for her

I am sorry that this story is so long winded, but I rewrote it twice and shortened it, but felt I couldn’t do justice if I shortened it any more. I met Karina on my very first day at school. Like me it was her first day and I think we were both excited bu...


Well where do I start, hopefully you've read my other stories. we've known Simon and Fiona for a while now and consider them good friends (with added benefits), both myself and Justin play alone with them. One night we had Simon and Fiona over for a gener...


Reconnecting with Tina

Trevor knew Tina was cheating on him, but decided to turn a blind eye.

I had just returned home from a four year course at Leeds University. I was more than a little surprised to hear that Trevor, my best mate, was marrying Tina G. Before going off to Uni I had lost my virginity with her, and had made love to her several mor...

Mike T

Laurie gets into stranger sex.

The first man was fucking Laurie and his mate was fucking her face.

I took my wife Laurie to a mates twenty fifth birthday party. It was held in a function room of a hotel. As it was a bit of a trip home I had booked us a room for the night. The party was great and although Ted had put on a bar, virtually everyone had tak...


I discovered that she was a porn star

Bev's fateher told me that she is a porn star and showed me photos.

I was twenty two and single when I met Beverley (Bev). I fell instantly in love with her. I think it was her dreamy eyes although her 36D's and her long legs helped. She is one of those women that when she walks into a room all male heads turn to look at...


Lucky escape

Roxy told me she was pregnant and when I asked was I that dad she said who elses could it be.

In the days before DNA, I was nineteen and had just started to see a girl that I met in a party. On our second date we drove to somewhere quiet and using a condom I took her virginity. It was nice but I'd had better girlfriends. Whilst I liked her she was...