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Pussy licking Stories

pussy licking

Canadians, Toby and Candice love to fuck people whilst away from home and last September they were back in Preston visiting family when we arranged to meet. We'd met several times previous and it was always great fun, we'd chat in hotel bar, a few drinks,...

A long shot

He smiled and said that would definitely be a good idea for me to come along too, as she would be the only woman - and some of the men could get a bit handy!

We've dabbled in swinging over the past 8 or 9 years. Usually, it's only been soft play with another bloke. Sometimes we've met a guy a few times depending how we've all got on. On one occasione she 'really' liked a bloke and went all the way. That was re...


I head to the door to leave, I don’t want you to see me cry. It was stupid really just a flippant comment that got me upset. As I open the door you push it shut. Without saying a word you gently push the hair out of my eyes, wipe the tears away and lift m...

Lonely Lady Biker - Not So Lonely Now

A quick meal followed by some fun with a stranger

Sarah and I headed for the restaurant next door to the hotel. I followed her behind so I could watch those lovely big hips wiggling in her red dress. We quickly arrived at the restaurant, I stood behind Sarah, holding her hips firmly. My heart raced when...

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Craving You

There Is Nothing Like Completely Craving Someone

There are many accounts on here that are factual. This is one in which I know you'll want to be. I am so excited to start this alluring adventure with you. One I hope that proves to be equally arousing to the both of us. It seems as if you have the burnin...


I discovered my girlfriend was a stripper

She bent over allowing a stranger to lick his beer of her pussy

I was twenty-two years old and still playing the field. I had met Debbie and had three dates with her but as yet had no idea where if anywhere our relationship was leading. We had made love twice and it was pretty damn good, but I had shagged other girls...


Our introduction to swinging

An arse was backing up onto my cock and a hand between the legs grabbed my hard cock.

My wife encouraged me to go to Rita’s house party. They were always fun, but I was a bit put out the previous time as one of the regulars hit on my wife Lauren and wouldn’t take no for an answer until I strong armed him on his way. Besides the sore arm he...


It cured her depression

Denise hadn't had sex for five months since her husband had dies, that all changed.

This all started a long time ago in the 1990's. Angie and I were in our early twenties and had an open relationship. I would pick out a chap and suggest that she give him a good time, most times she did and she would also select young, and on the odd occa...

Fun times 💋

There’s nothing wrong with wishing

Lady love was more than I could ever wish for

I am a married woman with kids , I have a great life , my hubby has a great job , money is not a problem , nice car , holidays ...........BUT I have been talking to a married lady online the chat were a bit hot & cheeky , for me it was an escape , then th...

Not so lazy Sunday

With the stormy forecast we decided not to go to the beach but take advantage of an empty house

Dodgy and I have been lovers for about 3 months now and we are usually able to meet about once a week or so. Sometimes only for an hour, sometimes more. We’ve struggled recently to find as much time and as we were both free we planned to spend the morning...

Lady love 1992

Exploring my bi side in the military

We kissed and her fingers were in my panties

I serving in the Navy , i have had a few boy friends in the Navy and at home. With my work my home relationships were a bit hit and miss , and i tried long distance relationships but they were not faithful enough and if i have to be honest i didnt expect...