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Am I overreacting - I’m too shy

"He wanted to watch me pleasure myself"

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I was brought up as a catholic , Ive had boy friends and I’ve done things but I was brought up not to enjoy sex , foreplay was always a chore not enjoyment , I have looked on line and I feel like a freak , sometimes I feel I am missing out. I am a vanilla missionary girl and this would piss off my boyfriends , i did like oral sex “ receiving never giving . My last boyfriend asked me if he could watch me masterbate, I was horrified, yes I have done it in the bath , but to show him with my legs apart , I couldn’t. He took himself in hand , but I couldn’t watch him , I don’t know why I’m such a prude , I should enjoy it , I want to enjoy it but this barrier comes up and I freeze up. Any suggestions or advice please ...........
Written by Too late to try

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