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Shy Stories

Harvet T

It turned this timid quiet woman into a total slut.

I heard Tina say, “Oh my god,” as she realised that it was now Mike fucking her and not me.

Tina had always been the shy timid little wife to Nigel. I had watched her from afar for some while before I got my opportunity. While Tina was married to Nigel, he made all the decisions in her life from what she did to what she even wore. When she told...


The porn film

I asked Pat if she was ready and as she said yes we both pushed and we met with my cock buried deep.

I grew up with a big group of mates and girls. As time went on we sort of paired up. I hadn’t fancied any of the girls as life long partners so I just played around with some of them. One day Bruce arrived at the pub showing off a brand new video camera....


Shy Nurse

I could t believe she was so nieve

If you have read my previous stories you know they are all true and not made up, I started chatting online to this woman and we were not too far away from each other, she was very nervous about meeting anyone but I asked her to meet me at a Tesco not far...

Lucky Ken

I woke to a beauty in my bed

Fiona told him that she was not only with someone, but fucking and about to come.

The last thing I could remember was being in a really crowded pub watching the footy. Our team was winning, and everyone was in good spirits in more ways than one. I had eyed up one of the bar maids and tried my luck with her. She was quick in letting me...


Ruby and Pam compete at a dogging site

A man much older than us had his cock in my wife’s pussy as another entered her mouth.

Ruby must have been thinking about things for a long time as it had been three years since that documentary on dogging had appeared on TV. We were in bed after making love when she asked had I ever been to a dogging site and were they real. I had been to...


Shy Nurse

Couldn’t believe she was so limited sexually

Hi everyone if you have read my other stories you will know they are all true not made up and as accurate as can be, I may forget to add some things but I don’t imagine things. I got chatting online to this mid forties lady, she was very nice and as we ch...


From Virgin to sexual fulfillment

Rescued a young girl and turned her into a full sexual woman

I'd like to tell you about Caroline, how she has developed from a repressed timid girl into an outgoing bubbly beautiful woman. That also goes hand in hand with Toby who is a self centered prick. I first spotted Caroline when she came into the pub with To...

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Too late to try

Am I overreacting - I’m too shy

He wanted to watch me pleasure myself

I was brought up as a catholic , Ive had boy friends and I’ve done things but I was brought up not to enjoy sex , foreplay was always a chore not enjoyment , I have looked on line and I feel like a freak , sometimes I feel I am missing out. I am a vanilla...

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