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"Making home made sex toys take off."

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My friends and wife all call me Fixit, because that all say he can fixit or I tell them I can fixit. I was in bed with my wife and she was moaning, my favorite toy has broken, waving a vibrator in my face. The next morning I took a look at it and it was terminally dead. My wife said, "It's no good if you can't fix something like that for me." I told her I would make her an even better one. I went to the local sex shop and I'm sure the sales guy thought I was a pervert or something as I photographed lots of different toys. I was shocked how many different types there were. From vibrators to ones that wiggled around and those that got longer then shorter. Then I saw a Symbian. I took lots of photos Then they had a section with rubber gear and false faces, including face skin. I went home and set about my design on the computer. My wife looked at it several times but couldn't see what I was planning. Then into my workshop. I had started work life as an electronics engineer, repairing and making electronic devices. Later I got into metal and wood working. I was in there for three whole days working away at first on the aluminum frame cutting and welding it together. Then making the electronics and testing the modules. Finally I worked on the padding and the plastic parts I needed to make along with machining the cogs and other parts. The only thing I now needed was some fake skin. For some reason my wife would not go to the sex shop to get a sheet of it and the glue that goes with it. Back in the workshop I started the assembly. It all went together like a dream. The only tricky part was the plastic skin that was a little tricky and fiddly. Then it was done. I too kthe chair it indoors and blindfolded my wife and removed her skirt and panties and took her and sat her on the seat part and wound the handle to engage the machinery part. My wife squealed as the fake cock penetrated her. She took her blindfold off and was going to get off. Before she could I strapped her in place. Then I turned the electronics on. The penis part could be weighted to push either on her back passage or forward to her G spot. I pressed the button for her G spot and I heard the small motor whir. Then I pressed the button for the vibrator to start and tried the adjustments to see the levels of vibration. It was buzzing away. My wife screamed stop when it got to the higher vibration levels. She later told me that had already made her cum before it hit full speed. Then the wiggly movement and again she had me stop at a lower speed. Finally I turned on the pumping action, I could see my wife came as she squirted a lot of her juices all over the cock and down over the fake balls that vibrate. I had one final adjustment. That was depth. Now my own cock is 7.5 inches and I had calibrated the lengths and started on six inches. The cock went from four to six inches in length and then back to four. there was a speed adjustment for the length movement and I set it mid range. Then I slowly wound up the length to eight inches. My wife seemed in a constant state of bliss. I tried to lengthen the cock more and when I got it to nine inches she screamed stop and slumped on the seat. I had to lift her off and into a normal chair. Later she told me that it was the most excruciating orgasm she had ever had. When I got home from work the following evening, I found my wife sat on the chair trying all the controls. She was embarrassed but later told me that she had the best orgasms of her life and kissed me deeply on the lips with her tongue exploring my mouth. I found her on it a few more time over the next couple of weeks. Then we got to ladies night. There was a group of her friends that would come round and a lot of wine and Bacardi was usually consumed. I had covered the chair with a dust sheet. I would usually go with my mates to the pub. So that's what I did. We had been there for a few hours when I got a phone call, get home quickly, was the instruction. I wondered what had gone wrong. I ran indoors to the laughing and whooping of eight women and a ninth was in the sex seat with the cock thrusting at almost full speed and set at ten inches in length. The vibrator was on full as was the wiggly action. Veronica's eyes were glazed over and her breathing irregular and she was gasping when she did take a breath. Her fanny was soaked with her own pussy juices. I grabbed the mains plug and ripped it from the socket and the machine slowed to a halt. Veronica's eyes snapped open, "What the fuck did you do that for," she almost yelled at me, "turn it back on. I was almost there." I turned it back on and within a few minutes she came. My wife turned the controls down and then off as three of the other women lifted her off the cock and into an ordinary chair. I looked at my wife, "What the hell was the emergency," I asked. "Julia wanted to know if you could get the wiggle action to go faster," my wife inquired. If you can, you have orders for eight of these," she said pointing to the chair. As I stood astonished at the so called emergency, Belinda declared," My turn," and stood up and removed her panties, giving me a glimpse of her pussy and blond pubes before she was on the cock and telling my wife to increase just about everything. I watched as she cum with a violet orgasm. Several of them wanted small adjustments, from the position of seating to the angles the penis could be moved to, or the levels of speeds, thrusts and vibrations and of course Julia's wiggle action. Over the next few months I made eight more chairs and personally measured and fitted them. Needless to say I got to try my own penis on each of them. What started as a toy for my wife has ended with me making several other toys and fucking the new owners of the toys. My wife and her friends are the happiest women I know. especially Julia.
Written by Fixit

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