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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 71
0 miles · Lancashire


Was Mr Mish flaming Ops? I didn't read it that way. Seemed to me he was just asking for more time to leave a room. You suggested a possible course of action. All perfectly reasonable don't think flaming Ops came into it.
Course I should've realised that. But is greyed out same as booting? My pc sometimes plays silly buggers and i've had rooms "grey out" on me.
I am logged in now and using chatrooms via aol. So it seems the problem is not just aol.
It depends really.
If the beeb were filming about swinging and I had the corporate gear on then yes I would scarper as I wouldn't want my company or my colleagues to know about my swinging activities. Not that I am ashamed it's just that some things are my business and no-one elses.
If it was just general filming then I wouldn't be worried about anyone I had met from the swinging world and could recognise me, knowing about who I work for.
So what if this has been done before. There will be new members who do not realise that their ads can be seen by anyone and as no site is 100% secure despite the claims it will encourage people to take extra care to protect them selves.
I had a driving day at Belvoir castle for my 50th, it was fab, quad bikes, 4x4, honda pilots, hovercraft and a tank. Not cheap but a fantastic day for a petrol head.
Once upon a time there were contact magazines that relied on box numbers and snail mail. Then along came Loot with voice mail ads towards the back, we had lots of meets out of there. The internet (SH in particular) has certainly been a boon for swingin and setting up meets often within hours of a first contact.
I don't recall doing any whinging, but I did support a members right to complain.

I'm not in a position to dispute that as I can't quantify what most is when not in posession of the facts, but then I wasn't the one who mentioned 3 pages of the same stuff in the first place.
It doesn't alter the fact that we have a right to, and indeed should complain when the service we are getting is below par. So I would say submit a support ticket and post on here, let people know what problems you are having and what you have done about it. I doubt we will get 3 pages full of the same stuff.
Don't apologise Kent, people are entitled to complain when the service they get isn't up to scratch.
At last the guy gets the advice that he asked for, well done Bonedigger.
Just about spot on Bone. I was that school boy in the 60s and most of those things happened to me, including the use of homemade explosives for which I was caned.
However picture this scenario.
Two boys talking in class, not disruptively but talking non the less and not paying attention. Both boys ordered to stand out front facing the class, teacher opens classroom door and steps into the corridor comes running back in with arm outstreached his hand forming a fist and chins both boys at the run.
Yes it is true, I personally didn't do/say anything about it but would love to meet that teacher again. I doubt he would be up for a repeat performance.
I had similar symptoms (sp) a few years back. Luckily I'm in BUPA through work and got checked out quickly. Specialist said it was due to my vasectomy which occasionally caused a build up of fluids and hormones resulting in an aching nad.
I told my wife what he had said and also that he recommended regular sex as a way of relieving the pain... it worked for a while lol.
I agree Flower it doesn't bother me in the least that a topic has been done does irk me are terse sarcy comments or just a link to something that was said ages ago. Posts old or new are what keep a forum going.
I can't see a problem if the topic has been covered previously if it generates interest. This hasn't done badly for a "done to death" topic to attract 2 pages of contributions.
Keep on posting and if it has been done before so what.
My preference is for shaved on guys or gals.
Good point Minxie, far too many threads are hi-jacked with trivia which is of little value or interest and certainly no relevance to the topic.
I think Nikki and Steve have raised a valid point and to be censured and threatened with a ban is certainly not value added or a positive way forward. I believe that the new chat room if and when it appears will have a facility for the host to close the room.
And that decision is made how? By a committee who review the content of the thread, consider all potential issues and agree that no-one could possibly have anything to add? Or by opinion?
I agree with the comments regarding new members who may not be aware of all the opinions expressed previously. A polite and friendly reply would help to enlighten them and sometimes we do see this, sadly not in every case where sometimes a reply borders on sarcasm.
If the black Lab is the one I think it is, it belonged to Guy Gibson. What I find offensive is the lack of tolerance for other peoples beliefs/cultures/lifestyles, (as long as they are legal) wherever it comes from.
Perhaps BBt didn't know the correct procedure, they do now and I hope the get the prat dealt with.
It most certainly is against the rules to be booted for saying no or not wanting to give anyone a cheap thrill. I hope he gets dealt with promptly and severely.
Quote by kentswingers777
However, when the new Chatroom finally opens rolleyes :roll: you will be able to open Couples only rooms. confused :? :?

This sets a dangerous precedent. I'm totally sympathetic to the comments some couples have made, however if you go down this route the you are automatically obliged to make sure that people will be able to open:
Singles only rooms
Women only rooms
Men only rooms
Black only rooms
White only rooms
Short only rooms
Tall only rooms
… add infinitum
In fact why not go the whole hog and have seperate websites for each catergory. At least that would be more honest.
It seems strange to me, not only are you violating your own rules, but at one fell swoop you are destroying the whole sense of community that currently exists.
Well done!
mad :x :x :x :x
Think you are taking things a tad to far. We have only ever heard of people asking for couples only rooms. We have never seen a room that asks for black/white/tall rooms. Cannot see a problem with having a couples only will be able too soon, so why not now?
Does this imply that the new chatroom will be available soon?
If the thread is a good one, it shouldn't matter that it was raised before. There will be hundreds of new members since it was last doen and so lots of interesting nicknames to learn about.
Mine is simple a female version of my male name so no interesting story there I'm afraid.
I hope the thread runs a while.
Hello and welcome Rovers. Come on you Blues, shame about the draw with Fulham today.
Hi a whisper is a private message you either send or receive in the chatroom. You should always ask for permission to whisper someone in the room.
Davina xx