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He didn't heed my warning

"When Paula learnt of his infidelity she dragged me to her bed."

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I discovered that a mate was playing away.  I was a bit pissed as I had always fancied his wife and he knew that.  I confronted him about it and he straight away admitted it and said that he couldn't help himself that the girl he was shagging was so young,  pretty and sexy.  We were both in our late twenties and had both married young.   My marriage didn't last long unlike Rob and Paula's.    Paula would have been devastated if she found out and Rob although he knew that said that he just couldn't give up his bit on the side.  I told Rob that if he didn't I would do my best to get into his wife's panties.  Rob pleaded with me not to tell her or try to bed her.  I told him he had a week to work it out, either he ditched the bit on the side or I would have a crack at Paula's pussy.

A week later Rob was still fooling around with his bit on the side so I told him straight that I was going to try to have his missus.  He was angry with me, but knew he couldn't do much about it and I think he hoped that Paula would just turn me down.  Over the next few weeks I was particularly nice and attentive to Paula, opening doors, holding her coat, and many more little things whenever I saw her.  I could see the looks Rob was giving me, but it still didn't stop his affair.

Then on the Friday night Paula dropped in a conversation that Rob was going to be away for a fortnight on a training course for work.  It didn't take much for me to find out that his cute little bit of pussy on the side was also away for the same few weeks.  This was my chance.  In front of Rob I asked if she would miss Rob being away that long.  Paula joked that she probably wouldn't notice he had gone.   I told her that if she did I was there ready to take her out for a meal.  She said she might take me up on that.  If looks could kill, Rob had just killed me.  The next day he rung me and again and pleaded with me not to do it.  I told him that I knew that he was taking sexy knickers with him.  He denied it, but I knew it was true.

Rob and his bit went off on the Monday morning.  I was busy all day Monday and Tuesday.  Come Wednesday I had a couple of quiet days coming up and decided to make my move.  I rang Paula and asked how was she missing Rob.  She joked Rob, Rob who?  So I said, "So your free to come out for dinner this evening."  I was knocked back as she told me that she went out on Wednesdays with a  girlfriend of hers.  Then she suddenly added that she was free Thursday if that was any good.  I jumped at the chance.

I picked a nice restaurant and Paula looked as good as any of the food to eat.  She was dressed in a tight floral dress that showed off her curves.  As we ordered the food I ordered us a bottle of wine.  Paula joked that wine always made her merry and randy.  I joked that I ought to order a second bottle.  It was just as she took her second sip, with those kissable lips of hers, when her phone rang.  She apologized saying she had to take it as it was Rob.  She asked how he was.  I couldn't hear the reply, but guessed he was ok with his bit of pussy.  Then Paula told him she was out for a meal, and by the way she answered the next few questions, it was obvious that he was interrogating Paula as to whom she was with.  Paula told him outright that she was with me.

The call continued until our starters arrived and Paula shut the conversation down along with shutting the call off.  A few moments later my phone rang and looking at the display it was Rob.  I rejected his call and turned my phone right off telling Paula nothing was more important than her.  The meal was good  and Paula drunk most of the wine as I was driving.  I settled the bill and suggested that there was a music night at a local bar as the night was still young.  Paula was quick to say yes.  It was an electric piano, guitar and drum trio that was playing, and I must admit they were good.  I got Paula a G&T and myself an non alcoholic beer and we found a quiet table.

We sat talking about old times and got onto what might have been.  I told her that I had always fancied her and had Rob not jumped in, it could have been me with her.   I asked her had she any regrets.  Paula's face changed and she looked close to tears.  I asked what the matter was.   Paula blurted out that things between her and Rob was on the slid and she worried that he didn't love her any more.  I knew that wasn't the truth, he just wanted a bit on the side, not that I could tell her.  I told her surely not, and that they always seemed such a solid couple.  I asked what made her think Rob didn't love her any more.  To my surprise she told me that Rob hadn't made love to her in nearly three weeks.

I suggested that he was pretty busy at work and under pressure to perform.  She replied that she just wished that he would perform in her bed.  I really wanted to tell her that it was his performances else where that was causing her concern, but of course I couldn't.  Instead I told her that if she were my wife I would make love to her every day.  I see a faint smile on her face.  The music had turned to slower numbers and I asked Paula to dance.  I soon held her tight on the dance floor as we shuffled around.  When the music ended I lifted her face to mine and kissed her squarely on the lips.  Paula kissed my right back.

Back at our table I hugged Paula to me and we sat listening to the group and drinking our drinks.  We had one last dance as the music was winding down for the night and again I gave and received a kiss at the end of it.  I helped Paula on with her coat and held her close as we walked out to my car.  I was preparing myself to go in for another kiss when I stopped outside her house, but she stopped me and asked if I wanted a coffee or something.  Well I definitely wanted something and it wasn't coffee.

Once inside Paula kicked her shoes off and dropped her coat on the floor and went into the kitchen and filled and put the kettle on.  She turned towards me.  I think she was about to ask about coffee but before she could I had my tongue in her mouth and hers was in my mouth.  All thoughts of coffee were gone as I undid the clasp and zip on the back of Paula's dress.  We parted just enough for it to slip to the floor and then Paula was on tip toe kissing me again.

It was a seamless effort to get from there to Rob and Paula's bed, and soon we were lost in a tangle of arms and legs trusting at each other and grunting and groaning at the results.  We had barely finished and were laying there in the afterglow when the phone rang.  It was Rob wanting to know that Paula had got home safely.  Paula told him that we had gone to the music night and then I had brought her back home to bed.  She failed to mention that we were both in her bed.  The call soon ended.  I was pleased that Rob was worried, and so he should be for cheating on Paula.

Paula had barely finished her call when she said, "where were we," and with that she was under the duvet sucking my cock back to life.  We fucked long and slow facing each other as we kissed.  Then we cuddled and fell asleep.  Next morning there was no regrets from either of us and a we made love again as I took her from behind in the doggy position.   Afterwards Paula mentioned that it was years since Rob had fucked her in that position.  I told her he was a fool.  I had to go off to work and before I did we arranged for me to return that evening.

We made love numerous times on Friday and all weekend.  I was late Sunday afternoon when Paula was sorting out some washing and Rob's suits for work when he returned home.   It was then That Paula found Rob's pile of receipts for work.  Then her face changed.  There was a receipt for his last time away which was just two night and on it it showed that he had a double bed, and there was two nights of meals for two people. I hadn't had to tell her she had found out for herself.  She quizzed me if I knew and I told her I had no idea.  I could see she was fuming that he was cheating on her, regardless that we had just been doing the same to him.

After her ranting slowed down she picked up the phone and rang his hotel and asked for his room.  The receptionist told her that he had just gone out with his pretty wife for some food.  Instead of fuming any more she dragged me back to her bed.  I slept with Paula right up to the Friday morning when she asked me to keep away for the time being unless we met at some of our normal haunts.   I did as she asked and within weeks Rob was telling me that she was divorcing him for infidelity.  I lied and told him it was a pity that I hadn't had a crack at her pussy, or he might have had a reason for a counter claim.

Their divorce went through pretty quickly unlike the squabbling through solicitors over money and possessions.  Rob had moved in with his bit of pussy and continued to claim that he still loved Paula.  I was discreetly seeing Paula and as soon as the settlement was finalized and settled I moved in with Paula.  We have been married for almost twenty five years now and Rob had just been invited to bring his plus one to our anniversary party.  Well I did warn him.
Written by Aaron

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