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Was she a prick teaser?

"Lance told me there were two conditions to me sleeping with his wife."

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This happened over twenty-five years ago when I was twenty-two and just started to work at an electronics company that designed equipment for other companies and sometimes manufactured them for the company as well.  Quite quickly I was drawn to a woman in her mid-thirties who worked on one of the production lines.  I was quickly told by a few of the older guys there that she was a prick teaser and would often tell the blokes that her husband was away a lot, and she was lonely, but when pushed she would always cry off meeting any of them out of work.  I didn’t care, just to be close to her and have banter with her whilst I drank in her perfume was enough for me.  Then during one of our banter sessions she told me that it wasn’t bad enough that Lance her husband was away again, but her TV had also gone on the blink, and she didn’t know how she was going to fill in her time at home.


I thought that it was another come on from her that would come to nothing as the other men had told me.  But she turned more serious and said that she couldn’t get it to the repair shop, and they charged a fortune to come out to it.  I joked that she would have to play with her toys.  Ginny said they were no use as she hadn’t got any batteries.  Then in a serious voice she asked if I knew anyone who could fix her TV.  I told her I could have a look for her, but what about the TV.  That got a, “You men are all the same,” from her.  Later she asked again if I could take a look at her TV.  This time there was no banter and I told her I could, and she handed me a bit of paper with her address on it and said after seven p.m.


When I arrived, she lived in a large, detached house in its own grounds.  I parked near the house and rang the bell.  Ginny opened the door.  It was the first time I had seen her in anything other than her white coats that had to be worn on the production line.  She was in a short skirt and a tight T shirt.  I had taken a small toolbox with me, and Ginny quickly ushered me to where the TV stood.  She wasn’t wrong it was totally dead.  I quickly had the back off it and was testing to see why there was no power getting through.  As I looked for the problem Ginny informed me that there had been a power outage for a few minutes the night the TV broke.  After the power came back on the TV didn’t.  Then I found it, a fuse had blown probably due to a surge when the power was restored.  I did a quick test to see that it wouldn’t just blow again and then looked through my box for a spare fuse.  I didn’t have the right type, but I had one I could test with and should hold it temporarily.  It was soon all back together and working. 


While I had been working on it Ginny had been in the kitchen and returned with two glasses of beer.  She was pleased to see it working even though I told her it would need the fuse replaced with the right type.  Then the banter began when I told her that there was something else needed looking at.  Eventually after several exchanges I took out some batteries and said I wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but I was talking about toys.  The banter began all over again for several minutes and as I finished my beer, Ginny said I had better take a look then.  The next thing was I was being led upstairs to her bedroom.   The next thing was she had two vibrators and a few other sex toys out of her bedside table on the bed.  I picked up one of the vibrators and tried to switch it on.  Ginny wasn’t wrong it wasn’t working.  It didn’t have any batteries in it.  When I picked up the other one it was the same, no batteries.


I was holding the wrong size batteries, so I rushed downstairs to my toolbox and grabbed the correct batteries I had put in it that morning and rushed straight back up to Ginny’s bedroom.  I only had enough for one vibrator and asked which was her favourite.  Ginny pointed to the pink one.  I put the batteries in and of course it worked.  I told Ginny that I needed to test it primary functions, and before she could move the buzzing toy was between her legs and vibrating against her panty clad pussy.  I was expecting a slap or told to get off at the least, but instead Ginny just groaned and sat there with a glazed look on her face.  I was surprised that it looked like I had got away with it.  Then better still Ginny was shaking and from the groans I wondered if it was just good, or she had just come.


Either way I decided to see just how far I could push things before she stopped me.  I moved closer and kissed her as I groped a boob.  Ginny’s shaking seemed to come to a head and then start to subside.  I thought as soon as she composed herself, I would be in trouble.  Then Ginny was opening her legs wider, and she pulled her panties to one side.  I slipped the vibrator into her pussy and with two thrusts it was almost all in her pussy.  Ginny grabbed me by my hair and pulled my face down towards her pussy.  “Fuck the vibrator.  I need your tongue in my pussy,” Ginny insisted.  Ginny grabbed and pulled the vibrator from her pussy and thrust my face into her crotch.


My tongue was all over her pussy and clitty and I even rimmed her arse hole for her.  Ginny was in one long groan as I pleasured her pussy, and I was in heaven.  Never in my wildest dreams had I expected to get a kiss, let alone suck her pussy out.  I could feel my cock throbbing telling me he needed some attention shortly.   Ginny suddenly told me to fuck her.  Then she started to mention condoms but stopped dead and just said, “Hurry up and fuck me.”  I was already stripping my own clothes off and was soon naked.  I hadn’t the time to worry about Ginny’s clothes and just rammed my cock into her pussy with her panties rubbing along my cock.


Ginny was grunting, “yes, yes, yes,” as my cock explored and penetrated her pussy just as deep as I could.  I propped myself up as I ploughed her pussy.    I started to lift up her T shirt and undo her front fastening bra.  A nice pair of boulders spilled out as the clip came undone.  I grabbed one and stuffed it into my mouth. Ginny gave a little squeal as I gently chewed on the large nipple.   Then she groaned very loudly and shuddered.  She was enjoying this as much if not more than I was.  Between groans and gasps she was telling me to keep going and not stop and to go harder and faster.


I was now slamming away at her pussy and Ginny was kicking my arse with the heels of her feet as if she were trying to get her horse to speed up.  Then Ginny gasped, “Don’t come…………. Do it now.”  she had gone over the top and her pussy was spasming and milking my cock as she shook from head to toe.  I had now collapsed on top of Ginny as the last of my cum filled her pussy.  It was several minutes before we composed ourselves and I started to slip out of her pussy.


“Did you come in me?” Ginny asked.  I told her I had.  “Oh, shit,” Ginny gasped.  I asked was it a problem.  “Only if you get me pregnant,” she informed me.  We lay side by side and I had a hand still on one of her tits.   “I didn’t intend to let you go that far,” Ginny told me.  I told her that I guessed as much, but glad she did.   Then she giggled, “I needed that.  Lance hasn’t fucked me as hard as that in years,” she informed me.  I rolled onto my side to face her, and I slid my other hand up her skirt to her wet sloppy pussy.  She was groaning again the moment my fingers slid along her crack.  Ginny just laid there enjoying my fingers for several minutes.


Then Ginny was up off the bed and stripping her clothes off.  Now naked, like myself, Ginny joined me again on the bed.  “Let’s get this hard again,” Ginny told me taking my cock in her hand and started to stroke me.  I obviously wasn’t getting hard quick enough as Ginny bent forward and sucked my cock almost completely into her mouth.  I was laid flat on my back enjoying her mouth pleasuring me.   The moment she thought I was hard enough she let my cock go and crawled on top of me and impaled herself fully on my cock.  I was laid watching two large boulders of tit flesh bouncing around above me.  I just had to hold them, and as I reached up to grab the pair of them, Ginny leaned forward so they were in my face as she continued to fuck herself.  It was sheer bliss.  A beautiful woman riding my cock and a face full of tits, what a way to go.


It was some while as Ginny worked her pussy on my cock and groaned at the results.  Then she started to tremble again, and it soon erupted into a full-on shake as she came on my cock and then collapsed onto me.  I had to work my hips the best I could to finish coming myself.  It was minutes before Ginny moved and as she did, she asked,” did you come in me again?”   I had to tell her that I had.  I told Ginny that next time I would bring some condoms.  Ginny asked who said there would be a next time.  I got one final stroke and kiss of her tits and then she was redressing and telling me to do the same.


Back in the lounge I asked Ginny for a piece of paper and a pen.  When she found me both I wrote on the paper:  1 Heat Fuse and 2 A packet of condoms.  I showed Ginny what I had written.  It prompted a sexy questioning smile from Ginny.  I told her I would return the following evening just before I left.  The next day at work I didn’t see Ginny, but at seven p.m. I was knocking on her front door.  Ginny looked questioningly at me, and I told her that I had the right fuse for her TV.  She let me in, and in seconds the back was off the TV, and the right fuse fitted.   As I put the back on the TV, I told her I had something else with me.  Ginny looked at me puzzled.  I held up a packet of condoms that were called Jiffy.  I joked I could do it in a jiffy.  That had her giggling. 


Having tried the tv I moved to Ginny and kissed her.  “You’re a very naught boy,” she told me.  I told Ginny that I knew, but I also knew that she liked it.  Ginny sighed as I cupped one of her tits.  “Not here.  Let’s go upstairs,” Ginny told me.  Back in her bedroom I was kissing her as I undressed her.  Ginny was stroking my cock through my jeans.  As soon as I had her naked, she was undressing me.  Once I was naked Ginny didn’t resist as I placed her on her back and got between her legs and started to lick her pussy.  Ginny was groaning loudly already.  Her hands on my head were preventing me from moving away, but also steering me to where she wanted my tongue next.  Then she was shaking and coming.  I kept licking until she was coming down from her climax.


I went to undo and put a condom on, “Don’t waste time with those.  Just fuck me,” Ginny insisted.  Like all men I hate condoms.  I know they are for safety and protection but if Ginny didn’t want me wearing one, I wasn’t going to go against her.  As I moved towards her Ginny rolled over and raised her arse into a doggy position.  In seconds I was in her pussy and starting to bang her good and hard.  Ginny just kept groaning and pushing back at my thrusting cock.  Ginny came twice before I was ready to come.  I asked where she wanted me to come and Ginny just gasped, “In me.”  I came heavily pumping my come deep in her pussy.  Later we fucked a second time as we lay face to face.  It was the sexiest fuck I had ever had, and again I came in her.


Later as we lay stroking each other her phone rang, and she lent over and picked it up holding a finger to her lips to show me to keep quiet.  It was Lance her husband, checking in to see that everything was alright.  The call lasted a few minutes and mainly covered usual things and then I heard Lance asked had she played with herself.  Ginny told him no, well, she hadn’t, I had played with her.  Then after blowing kisses, he cleared the call.  As soon as she had put the phone down, she was sucking my cock into her mouth and stroking my balls.  As soon as she had me hard again, she wanted me to fuck her from behind as she lay flat on her stomach on the bed.  I quickly straddled her, with no thought to condoms, and sliding my cock back into her pussy.  It was another terrific fuck.  Afterwards Ginny asked me to dress and go.  I again teased saying I will need to return as I had forgotten something.  Ginny asked what had I forgotten and I told her the other set of batteries for her other vibrator.  I was again told I was a bad boy, but she never said no.


The third night I was back with another set of batteries that fitted her other vibrator.   Of course, we fucked several times, and I loved every second of it.  I had flirted with her earlier in the day and the chaps I work with again told me that I was wasting my time as she is just a cock teaser.  If only they knew she was anything but that.  As I dressed Ginny told me that Lance would be home the following evening.  I joked that if he liked I would let him join us for a threesome.    Ginny said whilst that sounded good, I would have to stop coming around.  Sadly, I thought that my fun had come to an end.  Imagine my surprise when I was swapping banter with Ginny again at work a few days later, she suddenly told me under her breath that Lance would be away again that evening.   I didn’t need an excuse or and invitation beyond knowing Lance wouldn’t be there to be back around their house and screwing his wife in their bed.


This went of for around three years, and sometimes I even slept over when we knew Lance was away.  Then I got a strange phone call.  The caller, a male, told me to be in a certain pub for seven thirty.  I spent most of the day wondering who the hell it was and what did he want from me.  I was a bit worried as I approached the pub, but I got up the courage to go in anyway.  The pub was almost empty. The only man on his own was a thick set man sat with a pint of beer in front of him.  Seeing me he said, “You Max?”  I told him I was, “What you drinking?” he asked, and I told him my preference.  He was straight out of his chair and off to the bar.  Well, you don’t buy a man a beer if your about to hurt him, so I sat down.  He returned and put my drink on the table as he sat down.


“So, your Max.  The man fucking my wife,” the man said.   At that point my anxiety and fear level hit the roof.  He held out a hand and said, “I’m Lance, Ginny’s husband.  Just wanted to meet the man that’s keeping my wife happy while I’m away.”  We shook hands.  I couldn’t believe that I had just shook hands with my lovers husband.  Lance continued, “There’s just two things I ask of you.  The first is you use a condom, we don’t want little accidents, do we?  The second is that you’re not in my bed when I get home.”  I told him I was more than happy to agree to both requests.  Lance told me they weren’t requests they were demands.  I nodded in agreement.


Then the conversation changed to more general things like what did I actually do at work, other than chat his missus up.  He told me he was a lorry driver which I already knew.  Lance told me that he drove one of six different routes with two nights in between the next route.  Some routes were longer than others and Ginny always knew which route he was on and when he would return.  He said he was surprised that I was younger than what he expected.  I asked was that a problem.  He told me no.  I asked how old he expected me to be, and he told me that he expected me to be closer to his forty years of age instead of mid-twenties.  We had finished our beers and he asked if I wanted another.  I told him that I didn’t drink much, and Lance said he couldn’t due to his work.  He told me he was off again in the morning, and he needed to get home to get some sleep beforehand. 


As we left the pub it was raining.  Lance asked where I had parked, and I told him I had walked.  He asked did I need a lift, so I didn’t get soaked.  I couldn’t believe that I just got into a car with my lovers husband and he was driving me home.   As he dropped me off, he said, “You look after her, she’s special to me.”  I agreed that she was special.  The following night when Lance was away, I was back in his bed with Ginny.  She was stunned when I told her about the conversation I had with her husband.  She said that she had no idea that he knew anything about our cheating, let alone who I was.  I told her that he had phoned me, so somehow, he had found my number.  Ginny instantly knew that Lance had been looking in her diary as it was the only place that my name and number were written down.  I asked about the diary, but Ginny wouldn’t show or tell me what she put in her diary.


I told Ginny of his two demands.  Ginny laughed and told me that Lance was probably worried about her getting pregnant.  She said that after the first few days that we had screwed, she knew that this wasn’t a once off and she needed protection.  Lance had been in a previous marriage and had two children by his first wife.  He ended up divorced when he met Ginny,

 which was also after he had the snip.  So, they never needed contraception.  Ginny said she went straight to the family planning clinic and got a supply of the pill.  Fortunately, Ginny managed to get to the state of being protected even though we were fucking bareback without protection.  Ginny was adamant that we wouldn’t be needing or using condoms.  As for being out of his bed before he got home Ginny said she would keep a good check on his trips and when he was away and due home.


That night it didn’t seem quite so much fun, knowing that Lance knew I would be in bed with his wife.  Don’t get me wrong they were still great fucks that night, it was just the excitement of the possibility of getting caught that had just gone.   The next three or four years I shared Ginny while Lance was away.  Then one blustery night Ginny and I were just settling down for the night when we heard someone downstairs.  Ginny was quite worried and asked me to go and look.  I quickly slipped my jeans on and went downstairs to be confronted by Lance who was raiding the fridge.  When he saw me, I thought I was in trouble knowing his rule that when he was there, I wasn’t.


“Hi Max, shouldn’t you be in bed?” he asked.  I told him I was until I heard noises downstairs.  “My ferry got cancelled due to bad weather, and the tunnel is totally overbooked so I won’t be going out for a few days.  Suggest you get back to bed,” he told me.  I nodded and walked back upstairs.   I told Ginny what Lance had just told me.  We had already made love several times, so we snuggled down for the night.  To say the next morning was awkward would be an understatement.  Lance was up before the two of us came down for breakfast.  He poured us both a cup of tea as Ginny poured us some cornflakes.   “Hope you slept well,” Lance asked us.  We both told him we had.  He informed us the spare room was just as good.  Then he teased me by saying we were quiet, and he expected Ginny’s stud to make more noise with her.  What could I say to that?


Lance said, “I’ll sleep in the spare room for the next two nights, so lover boy can keep you happy,” he said looking straight at Ginny.  Then looking at me he said, “I’ve got earplugs so you can make her moan as much as you like,” as he winked at me.  It was weird knowing that Ginny’s husband was just yards away the following two night as we made love.  It was exciting though, wondering if he was listening to what we were doing.  After those few nights it was almost another two years before I saw Lance again.  He just turned up at my house one evening when I was staying away as I knew he was home.  I was surprised to see him, but invited him in.  I asked what was up.  Lance said everything was fine.  Then he told me that he had been asked to do the much longer trips.  He said that he wasn’t getting any younger and it would help put some money away for when he retires.  It would also help his works pension. 


I asked what that had got to do with me and how could I help.  “It doesn’t make sense that were running two houses.  Why don’t you move in with Ginny and when I’m home you can use the spare room so I can see my missus?” he asked.  I was stunned and told him I would need to think about it.  Lance asked what was there to think about.  I said what happens when you retire.  He replied that we could still share her, and he couldn’t see a problem.  I asked about holidays.  Lance had obviously given this some thought as he replied that he was happy for all three of us to go away together or one or other of us could take her on holiday.  I had several other questions and lance had an answer to all of them. 


A few days later I was in bed with Ginny and told her about the conversation I had with lance.  She already knew as Lance had the same conversation with her.  She asked what I thought.  I told her that logically it made sense, but I was just worried that it wouldn’t work out in practice.  After more discussion Ginny suggested that I moved in and let my house out furnished on a short lease so if things didn’t work out, we could always go back to what we had.  That also made sense and just a few weeks later I moved in with them.  The first real strange time was when Lance was home, and I was relegated to the spare room where I could hear Lance making love to Ginny.  It was extra strange knowing all the noises she makes when I make love to her and hear her making them with her husband.  I ended up with a good erection and really wanted to get in there and fuck her myself.  It was a painful reminder that she is a married woman, and I was the lover.    I ended up wanking myself to sleep, listening to Ginny groaning.


After several more months with me spending the majority of time with Ginny and Lance filling in the rest it almost felt normal, whatever that is when you’re sleeping with someone else’s wife, and him approving of it.  Then I moved in fully and sold my house.  I invested my money in case I ever needed to move out.  When Lance was around although he was that much older than me, we got on together very well and we would even joke about who was giving Ginny the best time.  Ginny really didn’t care as she had the best of everything.     We had fifteen or sixteen very good years of the three of us living together and then tragedy struck.  Ginny was confirmed as having cancer.  Lance straight away said he would take early retirement and look after her.  I insisted that I could take care of her so Lance could continue with his job.  I had already branched out and was working from home for myself, so looking after Ginny was no problem.


Sadly, in a short period of time she started a slow decline.   Near the end Lance took companionate leave from work to be with Ginny.  It seemed strange that Lance and I both consoled each other.  The within two more years Lance followed Ginny and I had him buried next to her.  I was stunned when I found out that Lance had paid for the spot the other side of her in my name.  Things just got worse when Lance’s Last Will and Testament was read.  Ginny’s half of their belongings was left to me as was his half of the house.  All monies were split between his two children.  They weren’t happy as they thought they would get the lot.


I still live in the house as it holds so many memories good and bad for me.  It seems strange but I miss both, not just Ginny.  Although I was lovers with Ginny, I had become mates with Lance and even went occasionally to the pub with him and to play golf.  I am so grateful to both of them for enriching my life.

Written by Max

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