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Watching and fucking my neighbors wife.

"I watched Perry kissing Ellie with his hands in her thong and on her tits."

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I had lived in my house for a little over three years.  It was after the settlement with my ex-wife.  I was free again, but as yet I hadn’t made use of my newly won freedom.  It was a rather savage divorce.  I couldn’t believe just how vindictive my ex was.  I was also enjoying being single and pleasing myself what I did and when I did it.


Then Trevor and Ellie moved in next door when the old man that lived there died.  Although they were both a good ten years younger than me, I found them good company and Ellie was very pleasing on the eye.  Trevor invited me to join them in the local pub.  It was just a few minutes’ walk from our houses.  I went if only to ogle the gorgeous Ellie.   Trevor was aware that men’s heads all turned when Ellie walked past.  He seemed pleased that men liked to look at his wife.


Over our drinks Trevor was telling me that he had bought some IP cameras so he could watch his house when he was at work or away.  He said that he had spent two days playing with them and still couldn’t get even one to work.  I offered to see if I could help.  Ellie said that they would be very grateful to me if I could get them going.  She also told me that Trevor is a technophobe and stood no chance of getting them working.


The following evening, I was around their house trying to read the very small print in the instructions.  I soon thought I had found their problem that Trevor hadn’t opened a user page on the internet.  I asked Trevor for his Wi-Fi logon and then opened the internet with my phone and opened the page the instruction pointed to.  It instantly downloaded an APP and the instructions from there were pretty easy and in just a few moments I was able to see the view from the first camera.


In just ten minutes I could see all six cameras on my cell phone.  It was time to set Trevor’s phone up so he could see them on his or Ellie’s phones.  Fifteen minutes later and a fresh beer and it was all working.  I demonstrated to Trevor how he switched from camera to camera.  He was chuffed to bits and said that he would locate the cameras where he wanted them the following evening.  I offered to help, but Trevor insisted that he could at least do that himself.


A few nights later I was looking at my emails on my phone when I saw the app that took me to Trevor’s cameras.  I had intended to wipe it off my phone but hadn’t got around to it.  I wondered if Trevor had sited the cameras yet.  I opened the app and camera 1 was looking at their lounge where both of them were seated watching the TV.  Camera 2 was in their kitchen, 3 was looking at the front door and 4 was looking at the back door.


I got a real shock when I looked at camera 5.  It was looking directly at their bed from quite a high angle and number 6 was also in the bedroom but giving a sideways view of the bed and at a lower angle.  Besides wanting security, Trevor was watching his wife to catch her out, or so I thought.  I flipped back to the lounge where I could see Ellie sat on the sofa with her legs up and I could just about see up her skirt.  I immediately got an erection and ended up wanking myself while trying to watch Ellie on my phone.


A few days later I was at work and bored waiting for the next pile of work to drop in.  I know I shouldn’t, but I opened the app.  I found Ellie in her bedroom.  She was changing which gave me yet another erection.  It was particularly a hard erection as I watched Ellie remove her day clothes and start to put on a Basque that forced up her tits onto the platform bra part that barely covered her nipples let alone her tits.  Then she turned a little and I got a great view of her landing strip on her mound and her long dangly pussy lips.  Sadly, they were soon hidden again by a thong that matched the Basque.  Then she was putting on self-supporting stockings.  Fishnet ones.  Then a pair of high heeled shoes.  Finally, she pulled a skimpy dress over the top of her clothes.


I just had to limp to the gents and tug another one off.  Returning to my desk, Ellie had left the bedroom and I found her again in the lounge.  She was sat in a pretty unladylike way on the sofa, and I could hear the TV in the background.  It sounded a pretty racy film and I guessed that it was a sex scene.  I watched as Ellie reached under her dress and rubbed her pussy through her thong, what there was of it.  I guessed that she was getting herself worked up for when Trevor got home from work.


Then I heard the front doorbell ring and Ellie got up, straightening her dress, and went off to the front door.  I realized that it couldn’t be Trevor as he would have his own keys and wouldn’t need to ring the bell.  I quickly switched to the camera 3 and saw Ellie open it and welcome a man in with a kiss on his cheek.  I suddenly realized that I knew the man.  It was Perry who often got in the local pub.  He had a reputation for seeing other men’s wives.


I had to switch back to the lounge camera where I saw them embracing and Perry was trusting his tongue down Ellie’s throat as his hands made their way under Ellie’s skirt and was playing with her pussy still in her thong, not that they would defend much.  Ellie wasn’t just a bystander as her hands were trying to get Perry’s trousers undone.  The fact that they got this far, this quickly, informed me that this wasn’t their first time together.  Then Perry broke the kiss and pulled Ellie in the direction of the stairs.


I switched back to camera 3 to see them go out of view of the hall camera and presumably up the stairs.  I switched to camera 5, hoping to see them arrive in the bedroom.  It took longer than I had expected for them to arrive, and almost three minutes later they entered the bedroom.  I could see the cause of the delay.  Perry was holding Ellie’s thong in one of his hands.  He had relieved Ellie of them somewhere up the stairs or on the landing, and Perry’s cock was dangling out of his trousers.  That had also happened somewhere on route to the bedroom.


They were quickly on the bed in the sixty-nine position where I got a view of a tattoo on her mound next to her landing strip.  I wondered how I had missed the tattoo earlier as I watched her changing.  As I watched them performing oral sex on each other, I noticed the two ticks in the left corner of my screen.  I remembered that each tick represented a person watching the action on screen.  As Trevor was the only other person with access to the site, he had to be watching and spying on his wife.  Perhaps the cameras were so he could catch Ellie at it and divorce her.


All other thoughts soon left when Perry turned back around and hoisted Ellie’s legs up onto his shoulders.  I quickly changed to camera 6.  What a view I had of Perry’s cock at Ellies opening and then slowly penetrating right up to his balls.  Then Perry was slamming away at Ellie’s pussy as if his life depended on it.  I had to turn the volume down as I feared others in the next office might hear what I was watching and listening to.  Ellie was a screamer and Perrys hammering was having the desired responses from Ellie with her pushing her sexy arse up at his cock and moaning and groaning at their lovemaking.


Then I jumped as the phone rang.  It wasn’t mine.  Perry answered Ellies phone and gasped something a few times at the caller.  Then he told Ellie it was for her.  It became clear very quickly that it was Trevor talking to Ellie as she moaned and groaned back down the phone at him.  Then Ellie was pushing Perry off and moving into the doggy position.  As Perry got behind her and slammed straight back into her pussy, I realized that I needed to change back to camera 5.  Perry was again slamming away at Ellie’s pussy as she groaned down the phone to her husband.  Then Perry came.  It must have been a heavy come as some cum was escaping even before Perry pulled out and dropping onto the duvet.


As Perry moved away, Ellie dropped back to the bed, and I could see straight at Ellie’s well fucked pussy.  Ellie was obviously enjoying the afterglow as she just lay back and dropped the phone.  I looked at all the cameras to see Perry now leaving the house.  Well, he had what he wanted.  I had a small piece of work drop in and had to get on with it, but kept glancing at my phone and Ellie still spread half naked on her bed.


It was twenty minutes before I became aware of voices on my cell phone.  It was Ellie and Trevor.  On another look, Trevor was now home.  Instead of being angry with her he was between her legs and sucking and licking at Ellies spunky pussy as she lay on her back with her legs over Trevor’s shoulders.  I was surprised that a man would want to lick someone else’s cum from his wife’s well fucked pussy, especially Trevor as he seemed a pretty straight sort of guy to me.  He did a good job of cleaning her up.  It took him nearly twenty minutes to get to a point where he was happy with his results.


Then Trevor was ripping his own clothes off and Ellie was getting a second fucking in under an hour.  She was just as vocal as she had been the first time when Perry fucked her.  Trevor lasted a good time and Ellie had a good orgasm from her moaning before Trevor refilled Ellie’s pussy.  I had to go to the gents again.  This wanking was becoming a habit.   Over the next fortnight I saw Ellie fuck Perry twice more, and also with three other men that I had never seen before.  Every time Ellie got fucked Trevor would rush home and lick Ellie’s pussy clean before he refilled it with his own cum.


I was a little surprise when Trevor dropped around and asked did I fancy a beer.  I said yes hoping to see the lovely Ellie, but was disappointed to find it was just myself and Trevor off to the pub.  As we sat supping our beer, Trevor cleared his throat and then said, “I know.”  I asked what he knew.  Trevor went on to tell me that he had read the instructions for the cameras, and he knew that I was looking in and seeing Ellie getting fucked by other men and that he would return and clean her up afterwards.


I was caught and had nowhere to hide, so I told him that he was right, and I was watching them.  Trevor asked if I liked what I saw.  I told him of course I did, otherwise I wouldn’t keep watching.  Trevor said he had managed to cast the action up onto his TV and record it on data sticks using Ellie’s phone.  I was a bit surprised as I had been told he was a technophobe.    Then Trevor took a gulp of his beer and then cleared his throat and asked if I wanted a go.  I asked, have a go at what, a little confused.  “A go at Ellie of course,” Trevor replied.     I just asked when?


The following night I was in their lounge, and it was me with a tongue in her mouth, and hands in her G string and bra.  I was aware that Trevor would be watching and probably recording it but having gone so long without any pussy I really didn’t care if he was watching and recording us.  Like Perry I led Ellie up the stairs.  I had my hand on her arse all the way up.  Then we were in the bedroom and as I removed her G string, I had a good look at her tattoo of a butterfly and her landing strip and pussy lips before going muff diving.


Ellie smelt and tasted fantastic.  I enjoyed sucking her dangly pussy lips deep into my mouth before teasing her again by sucking her clitoris.  Ellie was just as noisy as she had been with all the other men, including Trevor.  After she came and cooled off just a little, she was telling me to fuck her.  Not wishing to offend I quickly stripped and with Ellie still on her back I climbed between her legs and hoisted them up onto my shoulders just before thrusting deep into her pussy.


I gave Ellie my best fucking that I possibly could give her.  It had her coming again so I didn’t do badly.  Then I dumped my large load in her pussy.  I dressed and moved out of the cameras line of view.  Ellie was still purring to herself with her eyes shut.  Just ten minutes later Trevor was through the door and on his knees licking at Ellie’s pussy.  I couldn’t see what he was doing but I could hear the slurping sounds as he sucked my cum from his wife’s pussy.  It was only after he had cleaned her up and stood to strip off that he realized that I was still in the room.


I could see that Trevor wasn’t completely happy being watched, but his needs were stronger than any embarrassment or discomfort at being watched.  He was quickly between Ellie’s legs and thrusting at her pussy.  I watched and heard as the two of them came.  Then Trevor rolled away onto his back.


I was hard again and ready for more.  Ellie squealed with delight as I stripped off again for another go.  It was Trevor’s turn to watch live as I climbed between his wife’s legs and fed my cock back into Ellie’s pussy.  Her pussy was a fair bit sloppier than my first fuck with her.  Trevor’s cum obviously lubricated Ellie’s pussy and having had two good fuckings’ already that night her pussy muscles were nowhere near as tight as the first time I penetrated her.  She was still a damn good fuck though.


On finishing and coming in her again, Trevor was back on his knees licking, sucking and slurping at her pussy.  I now dressed and left them to it as Trevor was about to mount Ellie again.  A few days later Trevor told me that he had enjoyed seeing me actually fucking Ellie and asked if I cared to do it again.  It became a regular thing that we took turns with Ellie’s pussy.  Although we shared Ellie, we never once touched each other, and although Trevor would clean Ellie’s pussy out, I only licked her pussy when it was fresh and cum free.  I was well aware that Ellie continued to see other men as I sometimes watched her with them.  I never could work out who enjoyed their games the most, Ellie who was getting all the fucking or Trevor who watched and then cleaned up before refilling her pussy.  I didn’t actually care, as I was getting my share of her pussy.


Then two things happened.  Ellie and Trevor wanted kids and they didn’t want it to be just anyone’s cum that impregnated her, so they decided that until they had their kids, anyone that fucked Ellie had to wear condoms.  The second thing was I found myself a new girlfriend.  I decided to be faithful to my new girlfriend.  I did however continue to watch Trevor and Ellie with their Guests when my girlfriend wasn’t around.


It was about five years later when the cameras went dead.  Trevor was round and asked if I could take a look.  I soon worked out that they had changed routers and after a bit of setting them up again, I soon had them up and running again.  I had barely finished getting them working when Ellie having settled her kids in bed came back into the lounge in just bra and panties.


All my trying to be faithful went straight out the windows.  I was soon fucking Ellie on the sofa and Trevor sat in an armchair watching as I plowed his wife’s pussy.  Immediately after we had finished, I was treated to watching Trevor clean her pussy before refilling it.  Then I went back in for seconds.  I was unfaithful with Ellie twice more before I married my now wife.  I once asked Trevor if he would like a foursome thinking that I might entice my wife into some wife swapping.  Trevor told me that he was faithful to Ellie and had never cheated on her and wasn’t interested in seeing other women.  I was invited to continue seeing Ellie if I liked


Sadly, I never got to fucking Ellie again, although I did continue to watch her with her men and Trevor cleaning up afterwards for another few years.  Then they moved away to a bigger house as their family outgrew their house.  As for me and the missus, we did try wife swapping, and we still indulge to this day, but what fond memories I have of Ellie.

Written by Denny

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