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Just for Charity

"My wife was in the stocks and being fucked at both ends."

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Diana and I were in our late thirties and enjoying life.  Diana couldn’t have children and I was never fussed about having any.  Not to say that we didn’t like kids.  On the contrary we both loved playing with other’s kids.  We had been into swapping and progressed onto partying.  The group we had joined consisted of around forty couples and about a dozen single men.  Well, men are lucky if they can perform three times in a night whereas the ladies do not have that restriction.


Anyway, back to July the eleventh.  One of the couples who were members had some sad news that their youngest son was born with a defect that needed surgery and there was only one place it was done and that was in America, and it was expensive.  They had started all the fund raising and publicity to get money for the operation.  They attended one of our meetings, but it was clear neither of them had their heart in having sex that night.


A few of the wives decided to put on some sort of money-making event.  That’s where July the eleventh comes in.  We had a meeting, not a sex one, to discuss what we could do to raise money.  One of the women called out that she wouldn’t mind being part of a fuckathon.  We asked what she meant.  Sasha told us that she would allow anyone to fuck her in an afternoon so long as they paid a fee. 


I was amazed that all the women with just one exception agreed that they would also do it.  I pointed out that not many of us would want to spend much to fuck the women we had fucked several times before.  It was George who said that he was a member of another group that was just as large if not larger than ours and he would see if they would join us.  Then the discussion got around to where we would hold it and one of our members was the janitor at a nudist colony close by.  He pointed out that the site never got used two weekends each year when their members went away to another site, and July eleventh was the first Saturday that it would be free.  It would be a perfect venue.  He called the site manager who upon hearing why we wanted it agreed to us using it.


Our second planning meeting was two weeks later.  George announced that not only would the men from the other group attend, so would their wives who would also allow themselves to get used to raise money.  In theory there could be up to eighty women all prepared to get fucked for cash.  James an engineer by trade suggested that perhaps we might put on some novelty rides as he put it.


He explained that he had plans for a rotating seat that a lady would sit on, and the man lay below and lower her rotating pussy onto his cock.  Then he had planned some stocks where the women would be held ready for anyone to use, tables where the woman was strapped down and lots more ideas, but he would need help making them.  I volunteered as I am handy with my hands as well as my cock.


They decided that all men would have to pay fifty pounds to get in.  Whilst it sounded a lot someone pointed out that you would pay a lot more for a good prostitute or even just a night out.  We had three weeks to get everything ready and made.  I spent night after night at James’s house helping with others to make the equipment.  Paul said he could bring fifty or so soft rubber mats from a gym for the day for the women that didn’t get in or on one of the toys we were making.


It was agreed that only like-minded people would be told of the event as we didn’t want to attract the wrong sort of attention.  I was glad when I got up on July the eleventh to see it was going to be a lovely day weather wise.  I went with several lads to move and set up the site.  I was sweaty and hot by the time all the toys and stuff were ready.  I returned home for a shower, only to find Diana already in it.  Knowing that in under two hours she would be allowing men to use her had me hard as I watched her showering.  I had to restrain myself for later if I wanted to get the best from my fifty quid.


On arrival all the women were hustled in.  I was a little disappointed that of what we thought would be eighty or more women, only seventy-two turned up, but there was upwards of one hundred and sixty men.  I paid my money and was let in to help the women that opted for the toys, as they had come to be known, get into them or on them.  I was stunned that my wife opted for a turn in the stocks.  I didn’t know the young lady that opted for the rotating seat but decided that I would definitely be giving it and her a go.  We had tied three of the women to trees off to one side. I quite fancied one of them as well.


Once all the women were in place the main door was open and there was a mad rush for the women as the men paid and entered.   I was beaten to the young lady on the rotating chair but stood second in line.  Pretty quickly there were men fucking women everywhere.  I couldn’t see Diana from where I was but guessed that she was already busy as she is quite a looker.


Eventually I got a turn with the young lady.  I’m not sure if it was because the chap before me had come in her, or her pussy was always so loose, but there was little traction and although she was pretty, I was never going to come in her like this.  The sensation of her rotating pussy was nice but not mind blowing.  As nice and pretty as she was, I gave up on her pussy, and went on the hunt for another pussy that wasn’t in use.  I was hoping to find another pussy from the other group.  I was just at the right place at the right time as someone pulled out of the sexy woman tied to a tree. 


My cock slipped straight in up to my balls and she squealed just before I started to slam in and out.  I didn’t last long before I dumped my load in her lovely pussy.  I gave her a sexy kiss as my cock slipped out.  I wondered around for a while to watch some of the action.  My cock was limp from its recent action.  Unlike the two that occupied Diana’s pussy and mouth.  She was getting a real good seeing to.


There was already lots of blokes in the same position as me with limp dicks.  I slipped my cock into the mouth of the woman in the next set of stocks to my wife.  After my wife got a mouthful of cum from the guy face fucking her, I watched her swallow.  As the man moved away my wife spotted me and said, “Hey hun.  Enjoying yourself.”  I told her I was, just as another limp cock was pushed into her face and mouth.


I was now semi hard and decided to go and look for some more pussy.  I noticed that the girl on the rotating seat had been swapped with another woman from our group.  Then I spotted her, a real nice-looking woman lying on the mats.  I got to her just before another man.  He seemed pissed but left us to it.  Her pussy was pretty wet from her juices and the cum trickling out.  I thought that it would be a pretty sloppy loose fit.  My cock slipped right in with ease.  Then it happened.  She clamped down with her muscles and I found my cock getting squeezed.  Not the loose sloppy ride I had expected.  I lasted three minutes before she had me coming in her pussy.


There were more men now wandering around or sitting down with limp cocks than those fucking.   It was nearly forty minutes before my cock showed any interest in the spare pussy.  I returned to the stocks to find that Diana had been replaced as had the woman that had sucked me hard the last time.   I picked the woman that I didn’t know to suck me for a bit.   She was good and I was rock hard in no time.  I decided that if she was that good with her mouth it would be rude not to try her pussy.


Good choice.  Although she had obviously had cum in her she was still a very good ride as she rotated her hips as I slid in and out.  I gave her my final load of the day and staggered away to sit and watch the final few men that were still fucking.  A few men revived and went for yet another ride while lots of others started to leave having had their fill.  Men were finding their wives and leaving.  I went round to find Diana.  She was still fucking and was now tied to a tree.  The guy had quite a big cock and Diana was groaning as he pumped her pussy.


After he came, he told Diana that he wouldn’t mind another go with her another time.  It seemed strange standing talking with him with his cock dangling and my wife now untied and stood up totally naked.  He was the man that organized the other group and we discussed perhaps having an annual meeting between the two clubs.


Diana found her clothes and dressed, and we helped clear up the site and remove the toys.  I was surprised to find three pairs of wet panties as we tidied up.  On our ride home Diana asked how I had enjoyed myself.  I told her of the women that I had fucked and had blow jobs from.  She informed me that she had eight different cocks in her pussy.  She said that the last was the biggest and best.  I had already guessed that by the way she talked with him afterwards and groaned as he fucked her.  She said she lost count of how many limp cocks she sucked but it was at least nine.


When we got home Diana stated to pour the pair of us a nice hot bubble bath.  We kissed and cuddled in the hot water.  Neither of us wanted anything more than the warm cuddles that we had in bed afterwards.


The two clubs meeting did become an annual event, but not for fundraising.  One year we would host them and the next they hosted us.  Both clubs seemed to shrink as time went on, but we had a great time all the time Diana and I were members.  Eventually we had to move away due to work.  We returned a few times for the annual event, but it eventually died out for us.  We found other couples to swap with, but even that slowly faded away.  Now there is just me and Diana.  I don’t regret our time swinging and even cherish some of the memories of the better parties and group swinging.  As for Diana, she once told me that she would do it all over again if she could.


Oh yes, the fund raising.  We raised £8,200 pounds that helped send the little lad to America and his operation.  It was a success that we all helped in our own way.

Written by Greg

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