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Moira is a slut

"Moira was being fucked by one man as she sucked a second man and wanked two more."

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My wife Moira is a slut.  No, she’s not a hotwife, because that would imply that I enjoy sharing her.  Whilst I do enjoy watching her with other men it is rarely my choice.  I will give you an example, but first let me tell you a little about her.  Moira is 5’8” tall with long naturally ginger hair that comes almost to her waist and hides parts of her pretty face.  She has green eyes that can burn through you when she wants something.  Her boobs are a 36C and she has shapely hips and legs. In 2017 when this happened she was twenty six.


We had been through a good year for us and I had booked us a Christmas and New Year in a Scottish castle.  It was expensive but Moira is worth it.  Moira was over the moon when I told her as she is half Scottish and the other half English.   She spent several weeks working out what she wanted to take on our trip.  It not only consisted of clothes but her best and favourite sex toys.  There is permanently a small pencil vibrator in her handbag and she transferred that to the bag she was taking for our trip.


The hotel come castle was huge and very well kept and we were greeted by the owners who were in their fifties.  Their son Douglas escorted us to our room and carried my wife’s case.  He remarked that by the weight she must have brought the kitchen sink.  His accent was so strong I struggled to understand him.  I could see a glint in Moira’s eyes and knew that she liked him already.  I just knew that if she was wearing any, her panties would be off in a flash for this man.  The rest of the afternoon and evening were quiet but got progressively busier as more guests arrived for the celebrations.  I could see Moira eyeing up the men.


That night in bed Moira gave me a blow job before she rode me as a thank you for our break.  The next day was Christmas eve and the hotel had laid on a coach for those that wanted to go to a Christmas market.  Moira wanted to go so I found myself on the coach off to a market.  It was one of the biggest and busiest markets I had ever seen.  Moira was loving it and found several new pieces of clothing, all were underclothes and rather sexy.  Then trust Moira she found a little sex shop and dragged me into it.  Within minutes she saw some Duo Balls and asked me to get them for her.  The lad serving gave Moira a smile as he told her that she would enjoy them.


By the time we returned the hotel it was close to full of visitors.   We were told that unlike in England they have a hunt on Christmas day, ours is traditionally on Boxing Day.  Anyway, we were told that if anyone rides and wishes to go they should let Ewan know and he was pointed out to us.  I don’t ride, but Moira does and she was excited to go and was pestering me to go.  I told her to go and enjoy it.  That night it was unplanned but music was played and some people danced.  Moira was up dancing with every man she could.  By the time bedtime came around she was exhausted, but not too exhausted to roll on her front and tell me to fuck her.


Next morning after exchanging presents and a hearty breakfast Moira was mounting her horse.  I noticed a young couple who were guests take to their horses.   She was a pretty little thing barely into her twenties, I found her to look quite sexy in her riding gear.  I kept clear as I don’t like the beasts.  They were soon off on quite a lengthy parade of horses.  I decided to return to bed for an hour or more to kill time.  It was when I returned to the room that I discovered the discarded packaging from the Duo Ball.  I could only conclude that Moira had inserted them just before going down for the ride.  I hated, yet was excited, at what that might be doing to her straddled a horse.  I couldn’t sleep and decided to hit the bar where I got talking to several other guests.


One of the men told me that I was brave letting my wife go with the hunting party.  I asked why and he whispered that it wasn’t always grouse or deer that they hunted.  I must have looked confused, so he whispered in my ear CUNT was often on the menu.  I think I almost choked.  They were gone for almost four hours and on their return several of the women looked dishevelled, Moira, the young girl and two others being the main ones.  As several men lifted and carried a deer away, I led Moira to our room.   I was half expecting her to tell me that she had been ravaged by several of the men.  Instead, she told me that she wasn’t that lucky.


Moira told me that when they got up into the hills the group was broken down into several smaller groups. One man was left with a quad bike with a trailer and the horses.   Moira said that she was taken with the young girl and another woman by six men up into a secluded spot where they stalked a deer.    The rest of the groups went in different directions.  Eventually on hands and knees they approached a deer and one of the men took a shot only to miss.  Moira said she hadn’t missed the fact that one of the men had nothing on under his kilt and she had several good looks at his tackle as they lay down keeping hidden from the prey.  She said that between the view and the effect of the Duo Balls giggling around inside her pussy she could have fucked him then and there in front of everyone, but somehow she managed to stop herself.  Moira said at that point they were split up again into one woman and two men.  She said that she soon lost sight of the other two groups and the two men she was with soon had another prey in their sights.  No, it wasn’t Moira.


This time one of them shot a grouse and they started to make their way back to where the group had split for the second time.  It was some time before the other woman returned with her two men.  Then they heard noises from afar.  One of the men said it was deer.  Moira told me the only animals that make noises like that were the men with the young girl.  It was a good half hour before they returned and the poor girl looked like she had been ravaged many times by both men.  Moira said she was disappointed that it hadn’t been her.  I asked if it wasn’t the men that ravaged my wife what happened to her and the other woman that looked dishevelled.  Moira said the other woman was in another group and she guessed that what happened to the young girl also happened to her.


Moira went on to say that as they were back as a group early they walked back to where the horses were and they started their way back to the hotel.  Moira said that they hadn’t gone far when between the view of the mans tackle, the Duo Balls and knowing what had happened to the young girl she could feel an excitement building in her and the next thing she knew was she was on the floor groaning.  She said she was quickly surrounded by several men checking her out for injuries.  Moira said their hands touching her only pushed her over the edge into a second orgasm.  The men concluded that she had hurt her thigh as that was where he was touching her when her second moan started.   One of the men claimed to be a medic and slid his hand up Moira’s skirt to check for injuries or blood.


Having concluded that there was no major trauma or blood, Moira started regaining control, she was able to tell them she was alright and able to go on.  She was helped back onto the horse and they set off again.  Several of the men dropped backwards a short distance at a time and one of them had a rather loud voice and Moira and the young girl heard parts of their conversations and that they were talking about her.   Between them they pieced together that the so called medic and two men that had helped Moira back on her horse had all noticed that she wasn’t wearing any panties, but that she did have a string dangling from her pussy.  They were trying to assess was it a tampon or was it a sex toy.  Most of them opted for the sex toy as the medic said that her moans were more like those during an orgasm than those of an injury.  Besides what woman goes out horse riding if they were having a period without panties. 


The young woman also told Moira that she had been well and truly fucked by both the men she was with, and several times, and during that time one of them said that he was looking forward to what was planned for the redhead.  As Moira was the only red with them she guessed that they had something lined up for her later. The young lady also told Moira that she had thoroughly enjoyed her shagging.  If she wasn’t already a slut she was well on her way to becoming one.


Between the confession I had got a real bone on knowing that some man had his hand up Moira’s skirt and two others had seen her pussy and they had something planned for her.  Moira found herself man handled onto our bed and I was trying to stuff my cock into her pussy.  Moira had to remind me to take the Duo Balls out first.  They came out with a plop and my cock soon filled their gap and I had a great ride as I pounded Moira to another orgasm. 


That night there was much merriment and lots of singing and dancing, and although I sit out the dancing I enjoy seeing Moira enjoying herself dancing with other men.  Well, I suppose it is a bit like fucking without the penetration and with clothes on.  I did wonder had Moira gone without her panties again in anticipation of what might be to come.  As the night wore on, other than a few gropes Moira was still unscathed and to be honest I was a little disappointed.  What I did notice was that several men had engaged the young woman’s husband in talking and were applying him with much whisky.  Then I saw two men leading her away and I followed them.


They took her along several corridors and I followed them to a Games room that had exercise equipment along with a pool table and two full sized snooker table.  It was a part of the castle that I hadn’t explored before.  As I tried to remain hidden I watched them remove the woman’s clothes and she was quickly placed on the older of the two snooker tables.  Her head was dangled over one side and one of the men had his cock out and thrusting in and out of her mouth, and from the length of his cock, her throat as well.  The second man had stripped off completely.  He had quite a well proportioned cock and huge balls that he told her was going to impregnate her.  He climbed up on the table banging his head on the lighting frame making it rock.  Then he was between her legs and ramming his cock straight into her pussy.


The young woman was struggling to take all of his cock so quickly and pulled away from the cock in her mouth and told the man to be a bit more gentle as there was no hurry.  The man slowed up and she went back to sucking the other cock.  My own cock was rock hard and I would have loved a go with her, but I heard voices coming my way and had to hide.  Two more men joined the first two at the table and as I took up my vantage point again I realised that one of them was Douglas the owner’s son.


The man fucking the woman’s throat came first with a bit of a roar and was soon replaced by Douglas.  Then the man fucking the girl shouted out that he was about to give her his babies.  Then with a lot of grunting he smashed into her several times and then stayed still while his seed flooded her womb.  As he struggled to get back off the table knocking the lighting again, Douglas stripped off his clothes.  He was also well endowed and was soon on the table feeding his cock into the woman’s willing pussy.  Clearly from the conversation this wasn’t the first woman they had used in this way in the games room.  The last of the four now had his cock in the girl’s throat.


The way they talked about the woman was as if she wasn’t there, saying about her cock sucking skills and Douglas and the first man describing that the slut had a very juicy pussy.  Eventually both Douglas and the last man deposited their loads in the woman’s pussy.  She was told they had finished with her tonight.  I saw Douglas take, and keep, the woman’s panties as he redressed himself and stuff her panties into his pocket.  Then the woman was told that was all for tonight.  As she climbed off the table and picked up her clothes she was told there was no time to dress and just go.  Douglas was starting to rack up the balls for a game as the woman walked from the room.


As she got to where I was, I grabbed her hand and led her along some passages that I though might get back to my room.  I had to take several more passages before I found my room.  I pulled the woman inside and almost threw her onto the bed.  I had my cock in her throat in seconds and she was nearly as good at cock sucking as Moira is.  I told her that I had heard all about what had happened to her that afternoon as I moved around and slipped so easily into her sloppy pussy.  It felt just like Moira’s after several men had used her.  It was but a short time before I added to the woman’s already sloppy pussy.  She dressed at the same time as me straightening myself up and then we walked together back to the bar area.


Neither Moira nor the woman’s husband seemed to have missed us.  Moira was now sat between several strapping Scottish men and joking about what was under their kilts and threatening to put her hand up their kilts to find out.  I heard one of the men tell Moira that they knew what was up her skirt.  At that point she saw me and excused herself and joined me for another drink at the bar.  By this time, it was well gone midnight and we retired to bed.  Moira was still worked up by her days events, and although I had fucked the young woman just a short time back, we were soon making love again.


The next day was a quiet one with people playing games or cards.  There was a TV on somewhere in the background.  Moira and I returned to our room after lunch for a knap before the nights activities.  It was more singing and dancing.  I saw Douglas approach Moira on the dance floor and have a dance with her.  The next thing was she had disappeared from view and I suspected that she was on her way to the games room and quickly made my way there. There were people in the games room but not Moira.  Anther woman was across the pool table this time.  She was face down with a cock in her mouth as a second man slammed her pussy quite relentlessly.  Although I wanted to see the woman getting fucked I wanted to find Moira more.  I wandered around for some while before returning to the bar.  I still hadn’t found her.


Almost an hour later she returned looking no worse for wear.  We moved to some more quiet chairs where she told me that Douglas had taken her into the private area of the castle where he and three cousins played games with her.  First she was made to place the men in order that she though had the biggest cock.  Having done that, she was blindfolded and allowed to reach under their kilts to feel for herself.  Then she was told it was their turns and one by one hands were up her dress touching her pussy.  Yes, my slut wife was out again without panties.


Still blindfolded she was stripped and placed on a sofa in the doggy position and asked to guess who was in her pussy.  One by one she guessed and the men took turns with her giving her pussy a dozen or so thrusts before the next man took his turn.  Then it seemed an all out orgy as she was stripped and thoroughly screwed by the four men as they took turns in her mouth as well as her pussy.


During her gangbang Moira heard one of the men say that Moira was even better than the young woman.  Another said that Moira was just right for their Hogmanay treat.  Moira tried to ask what that might be, but nobody answered her, instead her moth was refilled by another cock.  Afterwards just before she re- dressed one of the men produced a tape measure and measured Moira’s waist. She wasn’t given any explanation.  Then once dressed she was brought back to the party.  As we sat there Moira suddenly said she needed to go back to our room and I went with her.  On route she told me that spunk was leaking from her pussy and was running down both legs.


Once in our room, I looked as Moira wiped herself.  She wasn’t wrong there was two lines of spunk, one running down each of her legs.  I’m not into licking up other men’s spunk but I was tempted.  Moira wanted something else and pulled me to the bed and on top of her.  I ended up with other men’s spunk on my trousers as I removed my cock and fucked Moira long and hard.  Afterwards I asked her what she thought that the men had planned for her.  Moira said she had no idea.  After cleaning ourselves up we returned to the festivities.  I pointed out the other woman that had been fucked to Moira and she joked that I was just jealous.  She wasn’t wrong as I would have enjoyed a turn with her had I not wanted to see Moira more.


The days between Boxing Day and New Years Eve were pretty quiet and Moira was a little disappointed that the men had pretty much left her alone.  I did notice that several other women seemed to disappear and then return a little worse for wear, but it wasn’t happening in the games room as I had looked several times.


New Years Eve started out with Bucks Fizz with breakfast.  We were again treated to a day out sightseeing on coaches.  Then back for a light lunch.  After lunch we were invited to choose costumes for the evenings ball.  Moira picked a gown that looked to be from centuries ago by its design.  Then she picked a Scottish shirt kilt and jacket for me along with the accompanying bits and pieces.  After a short rest we dressed for the evening meal.  I watched Moira put the dress on.  Again, no panties.  She told me that if they had a treat for her she didn’t want to slow things up with panties getting in the way.


Moira encouraged me not to wear any underwear either as she said she knew that real men didn’t wear any under their kilts.  Besides she said I might get lucky as well.  The meal was like a medieval banquet and was fantastic.  Then as the food and tables were taken away the dancing began.  It was all rather tame to start with and looked more like formal dancing.  Then there seemed a distinct change in the air and I watched several of the women getting fondled.  I didn’t want to miss what Moira’s treat was so I kept as close to her as I could without cramping anyone’s style.  Then suddenly numbers were swelled when lots of people from the local village arrived.  I noticed that there were far more men that ladies arriving.


Then I could see a man I had heard called Campbell approach Moira and she was being eased towards the door.  I followed at a discrete distance not to be seen.  They were joined by Douglas and they went into the private area.  I gave them a few seconds and entered the restricted space Just in time to see them enter a corridor.  Again, I followed and eventually they entered a door.  As they entered another man came out and stood as if on guard.  I waited several minutes and then walked up to him with confidence, hoping he might think that I belonged there.  He didn’t and challenged me, telling me that I didn’t want to see what was in there.  The room had a placard that said Trophy Room.  I told the man that I most certainly did want to see what was in there.


I think it was the tone of my voice as he opened the door and allowed me past calling out that a Cuckie was here.   On entering the first thing I noticed were lots of animals mounted on the walls and then various contraptions that were very old and would have been used for torture and interrogation.  Finally, I spotted where six men were stood.  That was when I noticed Moira.  This was a well planned thing they had going as they had something a bit like stocks only this one fitted around the waist.  They had obviously required Moira’s waist measurement as an insert adapted it to the victim’s waist size.  From where I was I had the rear view of Moira as she was clamped into the device. She was bent at the waist as she stood on the floor.


I approached and walked around the front and Moira was mounted like a stag on a wall board.  She had a set of antlers affixed to her head and they were also fixed to the board holding Moira’s head up and preventing Moira from moving her head very much, and although her arms and hands were free there was nothing in front of her to reach.  On the floor in front of her was a stool.  Initially I wondered what it was for.  It wouldn’t be long for me to find out.


Douglas stepped forward and spoke to me, asking if I was ok with what was about to happen or did they have to restrain me in one of the other toys.  I assured Douglas that I was happy to watch.  A couple of the men were moving a proper set of stock near to Moira.  I wondered if they were for me if I kicked up a fuss.  Then I was shocked as rifles were being handed out.  One of the men went behind Moira and lifted her dress and clamped it up on a well placed clamp.  The man exclaimed that the dirty bitch wasn’t wearing any panties and he didn’t have any to remove.  Then he placed what look like a target over her pussy that was peeking out backwards at the man.  I heard Moira give out an Oooh as the man touched her while placing the target.


I was told to follow as the men all went behind Moira to a mark on the floor.  The first man took aim and his rifle gave a pop and a red mark appeared on Moira’s left arse cheek.  Moira gave a squeal as it hit her.  The next man was taking aim as I asked one of them what they were doing.  He informed me they were sorting out what order they would go in.  One by one they took aim and shot at Moira’s arse, and each time she squealed as the paint pellet hit her.  There was great merriment and banter going on as each man fired his shot.  Someone had chalked on a board the order by how close to the centre of the target they hit.

1 Jamie   2 Douglas   3 Alister   4 Stuart   5 Mike    6 Cameron.


I can only assume that it was Jamie that was disrobing.  He walked up to Moira and took the target off her pussy.  Then he was fingering her pussy.  I could hear Douglas telling what I now assumed to be Alister that he could go before him.  Now I found out what the stool was for.  Alister also stripped and went around the front and stuffed his hard cock straight into Moira’s mouth.  There was no, do you mind or if you please, he just stuffed it straight in and proceeded to fuck Moira’s mouth.  Anchored by the antlers there was nothing much she could do.  Even with her arms and hands free I doubt she could have stopped him, assuming she even wanted to stop him.  The man behind her grunted and told everyone he was in the dirty slut.  Not that we needed telling as his body slapping against Moira’s arse gave it away.


Douglas, and I assume Stuart, were now stripping off.  Two additional stool were produced and each placed either side of Alister who was now deep in my wife’s throat.  Then Douglas and Stuart each stood on one and directed Moira’s hands to their cocks.  I had seen Moira several times in gang bangs but this was the first time that she had been servicing four cocks quite like this.


Alister didn’t last very long and as his softening cock fell out of Moira’s mouth, so did some of his cum.  Moira gulped down what she had managed to retain.  Douglas told Stuart to go ahead and he moved across one stool and pushed his cock into Moira’s mouth.  I assume it was Mike that had now stripped and took Stuarts place and placed Moira’s hand on his stiff cock.


It was Moira that groaned first, even with a cock in her mouth, and then Jamie was groaning and he was telling us that he was breeding some suckers wife as he jerked a few more times and then held still.  I didn’t consider myself to be a sucker and there was no way that he was breeding Moira as she was on the pill.  But none the less he deposited his cum and then staggered away.  I could see why Douglass had let others go first as he now stepped down and went behind Moira who squealed, and then groaned, as he stuffed his cock into her pussy.  It was about this time that I lost track of who was where and who was doing what to Moira as those that had cum left the room and other came in.


It was still relatively early and Moira was taking her sixth or seventh cock in her pussy when the next two men arriving had the young woman with them.  She grinned the moment that she saw what was happening with Moira.  She didn’t put up any resistance as she was placed into the stocks.  In just a few more minutes both Moira and the young woman both had cocks in their pussies and their mouths.  Douglas who had left and returned with the young lady asked if I wanted to join in either queue.  I opted for the young lady as more men entered and started to strip off ready for a turn.  I got to fuck the young woman’s mouth.   Then more men and yet another woman arrived.  She was also quite young and from her accent she was a local.  I watched as she stripped her own clothes and laid on a table some men brought in.  I pulled out of the young woman and got in the line for the local girl saving my seed for her.


I was just about to push my cock in the girls pussy when I heard Moira groan that she couldn’t stand like that anymore.  I wondered what the men would do.  Two men quickly released her head and then the clamp around her waist.  She was carried to the table and placed the opposite way around to the local girl.  As another man held Mira’s legs up and slipped his cock into her pussy she watched me fucking the local girl.


Moira took three more cocks before saying she couldn’t take any more.  I was finished and dressed and as they helped Moira off the table.  I was handed some wipes to clean Moira up.  We found some chairs and watched the two other women still being fucked.  Eventually the stream of men dried up unlike the women’s pussies.  I still had the wipes and cleaned both the women’s pussies for them.  Then all of us were escorted back to the ball that had gone on regardless of what was happening so close to them.   The young woman’s husband had been looking for her, and she told him she had been taking a stroll in the grounds.  I wasn’t sure that he bought it, but at some time he would find out that he was married to a slut wife.  At least I knew what Moira was like.


Moira slept well that night and the next day everyone had hangovers.  I got one more sighting of the local girl as she came out of the private area.  She was looking well shagged as she staggered to a taxi.  It was our last day and it was a quiet one and even that evening the partying was low key.  The following day before we departed Moira was hugged and kissed by Alister, Douglas, Stuart, Ewan and several other men.  When Douglas said that they looked forward to us coming again, Moira answered him telling him that she had already come some ten or more time New Years Eva and day.  There was some awkward laughter as his parents ware not far away.


Moira slept a good part of the way home.  When we got home she told me that it was the best holiday ever and we should go again.  We did, but not for Christmas or the New Year but that is another one of Moira’s stories.

Written by Alan

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