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Old School Games

"My wife had certainly changed from that anxious, frightened woman stood before Tom and Jim, about to be fucked by our friends for the first time"

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My wife certainly wasn’t the same woman I married.  Here we are nearly a year after fucking our friends and having been fucked by a further six cocks on holiday, the next two were about to fuck her.  Two old school friends that we had met tonight at her school reunion!

Steve and Neil were staying overnight in a hotel as they had moved away once they got married.  They hadn’t brought their wives as they hadn’t been in the same school as my wife and their husbands.  I found out throughout the evening that the three of them had been good friends and try as Steve and Neil might; they only managed to get my ‘schoolgirl’ wife to wank them both off at the same time.  Apparently, it was during a dinner break at school when they had sneaked out and in to the woods.  Steve was proud that he lasted a little longer than Neil to the gentle administrations of my ‘soon to be wife.  She had refused to give them a blowjob or let them fuck her as she wanted to remain a virgin until she married.

Neil asked me if Di had managed to stay a virgin until we were married.  I told him she had and they tried to make fun of her that she had only been fucked by me.  She laughed and asked them what made them think that was true.  At this point, Di got up with Steve to go on the dance floor.  The look on Neil’s face was a picture to see.  I just asked him if he’d heard of open marriage before.  He said that he didn’t believe that I would allow her to fuck other men.  I told him that there were certain conditions.  Who she fucked had to be her choice and that I had to be there and the last one to fuck her.

It was already going through my mind about these two old school friends of Di’s finally getting their chance to fuck my wife, so when Steve brought her back, I took her back to the dance floor.  I knew that Neil would tell Steve everything I said, so I told Di what I had said.  She didn’t say no to the idea of having their cocks inside her this evening.

For the next hour or so, Di didn’t seem to sit much.  She was on the dancefloor most of the evening.  I watched every time she was with Neil or Steve and their hands seemed to be feeling parts of her that they shouldn’t, making it obvious of their intentions.  It didn’t help her situation that when she was dancing with Steve I told Neil more and more about what we had done with Tom, Beth and Jim.  I drew the line about telling him about our holiday; he would have been outside wanking if I had!

As I expected, as the reunion came to an end and old friends broke in to smaller groups to carry on down town, Steve asked us if we would like to go back to their hotel for a final drink in the bar.  I was happy that he did because as far as I was concerned, the only people we fucked in our own home were our current friends.

At the hotel, we found a booth.  As Steve went for the drinks, I sat in the only chair with Neil next to my wife.  Steve came back with the drinks and sat on her other side.  Things were happening just as I expected.  Neil and Steve had their hands next to my wife under the table.  I knew that they would each be rubbing her legs up and down her thigh because it’s what I would have done.  I also knew when one of them had reached her pussy when, just for a moment, she laid back and closed her eyes.  I was even more sure when she stood up and I saw the front of her skirt fall back down. 

On her way to the toilet, she leaned down, kissed me and whispered that she wanted to fuck them.  While she was gone, the bar was getting ready to close and Steve asked if I wanted him to get some beers and we could take them up to his room.  I knew I could answer for Di so I told them that tonight was their lucky night so I said yes.  Di returned, Steve had the drinks.  We followed him to the lifts, with Neil’s arm around my wife in front of me.  In the lift, he just had time to kiss her hard and pull her skirt up with his hands on her arse, pulling her cheeks apart.  She had now made it known to them both that at long last, they were going to fuck her.

Steve had a double bed in his room with an armchair at the side.  Once he’d put the drinks on the side, Di took control and made them both stand in front of her, backs to the bed.  This time, she kissed Steve as her hand rubbed Neil’s hard cock through his jeans.  She must have told his to take his jeans off as she started to unfasten Steve’s.  They both pushed them to the floor as two quite impressive solid cocks pointed up at her and leaking pre-cum already.

Looking down, my wife wrapped her hands around them and slowly moved their foreskin up and down their shafts.  I could actually see them throbbing.  She pushed the lads back to sit on the bed.  Getting on her knees, one at a time, she fed each of them in to her mouth, finally giving them the blowjob they had waited 35 years for.  At this point my own cock became painful still covered with my own clothes so I unfastened my jeans and pushed them to the floor, gently wanking myself as I watched my own private porn show with my wife taking part.

After about five minutes of treating their cocks to her soft lips and wet mouth, Di stood in front of Steve and putting her arms on his shoulders, she straddled him as she pushed him backwards.  His hands had been on her waist as he fell backwards and this raised her skirt over her arse.  My wife kissed him, their tongues flicking in and out of each other’s mouths.  I watched as one of Steve’s hands found its way to her arse and he softly moved it around, his fingers finding their way to the soft mound of her vagina.

Still sat up next to them, Neil couldn’t resist placing his hand on the other side of her arse.  As Steve’s fingers moved from her pussy, Neil’s took their place.  It wasn’t long before their fingers were inside her knickers and taking their turns delving in and out of her pussy.  I could see her juices glistening on their fingers and hear her moans as they kept finding her clit.  Neil finally moved behind them and pulled the gusset of her knickers from her vagina, pulling them around over one of her arse cheeks.  Getting on his knees behind her, he pulled her cheeks wide and sunk his tongue as deep as it could get inside her pussy.  It was already swollen and deep red from the slow foreplay she had been getting most of the evening.  I could hear her moaning getting louder as he licked and sucked everything in and around her pussy.

Finally, he stood; but instead of fucking her as I thought he would do, he just moved back a little.  There was nothing more exciting than watching my wife’s hand guide another man’s cock to the entrance of her swollen pussy.  Her legs wide open for him; her wedding ring next to his cock as she slowly fed Steve’s inside her.   My cock throbbed hard every time I watched and hearing the moans she was making as it fully entered just made me want to cum myself.  It seemed that the more she was fucked over this past 12 months, the more sensitive her vagina had become.  As Steve’s cock disappeared fully inside her, she threw her head back and screamed as she orgasmed.

Steve immediately started thrusting upwards in to her.  He wasn’t going to last long the way my wife had teased them both this evening.  At one point he pulled out too much.  I was surprised when he missed her open pussy that Neil, still stood behind them, took hold of Steve’s cock and fed it into my wife’s pussy again.  I was even more surprised when, as Steve hammered into her hard, Neil gently took hold of Steve’s balls and gently massaged them as he fucked my wife!

It looked as if they had taken it for granted they could cum inside Di as in less than a minute, with Neil rubbing his balls, he hammered hard into her pussy as they both came together.

Steve’s cock shrank rapidly after he had deposited his juice into my wife.  Neil pulled Steve’s cock free from her vagina and with her still laying on top of Steve, he pushed his own cock inside her.  Di moaned again as she felt him enter her.  Like Steve, Neil fucked her hard straight away.  He grabbed her waist as his arse thrust backwards and forwards, pushing his cock into deep into her every thrust.  All I could hear was my wife constantly screaming as all her orgasms became one long one.  Within minutes Neil also screamed as what he had waited all those years for finally happened; his cock filled my wife’s pussy with his cum.

His cock slipped free from her pussy and he fell onto the bed next to Steve and my wife, just as their combined cum started to seep from between her lips.  It was my turn now to reclaim her as I took Neil’s place.  I felt that warm, wet feeling as my cock entered her pussy and their mixed juice spread around my hard cock.  Again, Di moaned, but neither of us were bothered about whether or not she orgasmed this time.  It was purely an animal fuck as after a few hard thrusts, I emptied a third serving of sperm deep into her.

My cock withered after it had emptied.  As her knickers were still on, I moved the gusset back to cover her pussy and keep the juice mixture inside her.  I knew I hadn’t finished tonight and for some reason, I wanted to wait until we got home and for the first time, clean her pussy with my tongue.  My wife had certainly changed from that anxious, frightened woman stood before Tom and Jim, about to be fucked by our friends for the first time.  My own role from the start of our games had changed, too.  From instigating who fucked who and when, to becoming more voyeuristic and enjoying watching my wife being fucked.  But some rituals remained the same.  I had to be the one that removed her knickers to allow other cocks to fuck her and I also had to be the last one to fuck her when the other cocks have emptied inside her.

With her knickers back in place, Di pushed herself up from Steve.  As I dressed, she actually took each of their softened cocks into her mouth and sucked them clean.  Both had semis by the time she had finished.  Laughingly, she asked them if fucking her felt as good as they had imagined.  They were both saying it was better than they thought as they sat up.  She kissed them both and said we’ll see you at the next reunion as we both left.

Written by Anonymous

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