My story is a warning to all on how you can become a cuckold husband if your not careful. I’m 36 and married to Karen, an amazing woman in how she looks and how cleaver and funny she is The problem is, she has a regular fuck buddy who I introduced her to.
The issue we had was that I work away a lot so there would be periods of a week where I won’t be home. Karen found this difficult, partly because she missed me but partly because she is very sexually active and by that, I mean she has to have sex every day or gets stressed.
At first we managed by her using toys, and for a while that was OK but I found that as time went on it wasn’t enough. I suspect (but could never prove) that she had a ‘fling’ with a colleague’s wife but as I say, I could never prove it, it was just odd comments that they both made in my company.
When I came home the first thing we would do, even before I unpacked or had something to eat was to fuck. I looked forward to our routine, I would walk through the door of our flat, Karen would invariably be wearing the ‘sexy gown’ that I bought her. A ruby red silk dressing gown and nothing else. I had to text her when I was about to come home and she would make sure that she had a shower and was still wet so her dressing gown would cling to her small pert tits and her small hard nipples. It obviously wouldn’t stay on long and Karen would grab my hand and pull me to the bedroom before sinking to her knees in the hallway and suck me off we would fuck hard. Karen is a very noisy woman where sex is concerned and out ‘thing’ is me having to cover her mouth as she screamed whilst my cock had her pussy but when she climaxed (which was every single time) she would shake and convulse as though she was having a fit.
In short, our sex life was amazing. But it was never enough. That’s where my ‘friend’ came in. He was married as well and lived in the complex we lived in. He is a local guy, very dark and big. About 6’3” and muscular. His wife is not a very nice woman, 26, skinny with tits even smaller than Karen’s which is fine because I love small tits but she’s not much in the looks department whereas Karen is a stunner.
My mate would always flirt with Karen who at 5’4” ish look’s tiny next to his 6’5” ish muscular frame. He would grab his crotch and tell me in front of his wife how he wanted to ‘look after’ Karen and of course I would tell him to piss off and we would laugh.
Then I made the mistake of getting a little drunk one afternoon, as did Karen, my mate and his wife and as sometimes happens in those situations one thing leads to another and He had his head in between Karen’s legs, her skirt round her waist, her knickers on the floor and my wife moaning whilst he ate her pussy. And whilst that was happening, I had his wife on her knees sucking my cock whilst I wandered how the fuck all this started, genuinely not remembering it starting.
I felt obliged to fuck his wife when she climbed on my shaft, her husband having picked Karen up and carrying her to the bedroom. Whilst I had tiny tits wobbling in my face I could hear my wife screaming about how its ‘took big’ and ‘fuck I can’t take that’. His wife giggling about how he had a big cock.
After a while of listening to the banging of the bed against the wall and my wife moaning and pleading for him not to stop, then pleading with him to stop and then not stop and telling the whole complex that she was going to cum. After screaming and grunting and obviously climaxing she would tell him ‘no more, I can’t take any more’ I decided to get it over with and came in his wife to which she gave a quiver and ‘oooh fuck’ which I took to mean that she had also cum.
I went to the bedroom to see Karen, partly pissed off that this had happened and annoyed that I had fucked his wife so couldn’t have a go an Karen. I say him laying next to her bollock naked and was gutted.
Karen was red and sweaty, she looked at me and told me that ‘ that was fucking amazing’ before asking me as an after thought ‘ did you enjoy’? I told her it was ok. But I was stood there with just a t-shirt on, my trousers still in the living room but was worst was my small, wet limp dick. He was laying there and even thought he only had a semihard on, he was enormous. I didn’t actually measure it but I would guess at a good 6” when soft but ridiculously thick. ( I later saw it hard and I improved my measurement to a good 8” plus when hard which stressed me out.
So, moving on a month or so after ‘it’ happened, and my mate and his wife split up. I immediately grew concerned because the wife would just lay there when we fucked, and I wasn’t sure if she climaxed or not. In the end I had to ask her and even though we had hardly talked about ‘the event’ she opened up telling me that she still loved me very much and how she would never ever go behind my back and even telling me how handsome I was compared to my mate but that she wanted to ‘do it’ one more time with him. She told me how he made her cum so hard she passed out for a sec and how if I let her do it one more time it will get it out of her system.
I was gutted and scared I was going to lose her. I would watch her walk round the flat in her nickers, looking at her stunning body but thinking of him inside her and thinking that she must be thinking of him all the time. It was driving me mad, so in the end I had to talk to him.
To be fair he was good about it, apologising but promising that he would ‘look after her’ and that he would never come between us and how he loved me like a brother and I wasn’t to worry.
I told Karen that I was ok with one more time not knowing that ‘one more time’ would lead to it being a regular occurrence.
Karen was so excited and couldn’t stop thanking me telling me how excited she was and that it was only sex not love.
I decided to get it over with and sent him a text to come over. Karen was in her usually Sunday casual wear, knickers and a t-shirt. There was a knock on the door, I suggested to Karen that she gets dressed but I had that ‘what’s the point’ look from her.
I let him in, he hugged me and told me that I was amazing. I turned to Karen who had a look of excitement on her face. I had no idea what to do, to I tell them to ‘go for it’ or do I just leave. I decided to just leave telling Karen to text me when she was done.
They didn’t even wait for me to get my jacked and leave. I returned to the living room, jacket and car keys in hand. My wife had pulled her t-shirt off and was standing there, my mate sat on the sofa, one hand squeezing one of her tits whilst he ran his tongue round her hard nipple, his other hand between her legs, fingers deep inside her, finger fucking my wife who had her eyes closed and head back. I said that I would see them later but had no reply.
As I walked out I had one last look and watched Karen pulling her knickers down and the two of them walking to the bedroom.
After an hour I assumed that they had just forgotten to text me, so I went back. I could hear moaning before I opened the front door. I dropped my keys on the table and my jacket on the chair and went to the bedroom. I looked at Karen on her knees, her hands gripping the headboard, she was sucking in air and moaning as she exhaled. My mate kneeling behind her tiny frame, his hands gripping her waist slowly thrusting his big cock into her pussy. He looked over to me and gave me a wink before returning to pay my wife some attention by slapping her buttock.
I started to walk away before Karen called for me to come back, ‘ stay with me’ she asked. I must have looked confused, ‘stay and watch’ she said adding ‘ for me’.
I sat on the chair next to the bed and watched my sweaty wife being gently fucked, her small tits wobble with every thrust, I listed to her whispering to herself ‘this is fucking ridiculous’ and ‘fuck he’s too big’ with an occasional ‘fuck its so hard and deep’. Then she turned to him and told him that she had to stop soon but that she wanted to cum ‘again’ and said to him ‘fuck me hard’.
He did as he was told and started to pound her hard making her cry out, the two of them moaning as his skin slapped against her backside.
Karen called out for him to ‘do it on top’. It must have been something she had said before because he pulls his enormous cock out of my wife’s tight pussy and helps her turn onto her back before he slides his cock back into her and they start to fuck again. He complimented Karen on having a tight pussy, Karen shot back ‘not anymore’ telling him that he had ‘fucking ruined it’ because he was so fucking big.
He bent my wife’s knees up to her chin and pumped her hard. I got up to leave but Karen begged me to stay and watch so whilst he shagged my wife hard and she moaned and begged for more she looked at me reaching her hand out for me to hold. She gripped my hand so hard it hurt and she told me she was going to cum.
She let go and started to thrash about begging for him to keep gong then she climaxed. I don’t; know why, but I had assumed that he would pull out and cum on her but he didn’t. He gave one, then two then three sharp thrusts as he groaned. My best mate was Cumming inside my wife clearly bare back.
Then it was over. Karen begged me to fuck her but I was embarrassed about the size of my cock compared to his. I asked him to leave. My mate put his shorts on, have me a sweaty hug and left.
Still embarrassed I climbed onto my sweaty wife and fucked her in her wet pussy. It was amazing, we made love not just fucked and it was great. She told me how much he loved me.
That all stopped for a while due to the lockdown but as they say, give an inch and take a mile, it was decided that he could visit and withing minutes of him walking through the door he had Karen on her knees, this time he pumped her pussy and I fucked her mouth alternating until we came, me in her mouth and him inside her pussy.
The next day we did the same again this time, at Karen’s request’ we dumped cum all over her, Karen kneeling between the two of us with us both unloading on her tits and face.
I have to assume that this is now a regular thing. I am back in work Monday and so I have to guess that my mate will look after my wife.