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1 day ago
Bisexual Male, 61
0 miles · Gloucestershire


Supermarket Sussies

Gorgeous erotic female encounter

I'm inspired to write this encounter after reading another members story. Very similar but my story took a fabulous turn. If a woman dresses provocatively in a supermarket and hubbies about then 9/10 they are doing it for a massive reaction. I got caught by the woman herself as I oggled her beautiful look. Black business suit with skirt, tan seams and heels so high she might as well been doing ballet on her toes. Absolute...

Back in the summer of 2019 I'd been desperate to get out and have one of my early Sunday morning dressing sessions. I'm talking up at 5am, wash and makeup, dress up, pop some male clothes over the top and take my large handbag with wig, heels, additional clothes etc and out of the door by 6:15 if I was lucky legging it to my car and driving off before anyone knew what was going on, lol. Today im wearing a pink silky blous...

SW Crossdresser Adventures

TV goes nervously shopping

A couple of years ago I was on one of a couple of long weekend trips away with the wife. For years we've been doing this. Basically, while she goes shopping all day, after I've dropped her off, I head back to the hotel and dress fully TV! It's totally exhilarating to dress and while the homophobics I've come across hate it, those open minded beautiful people just look at it as either fun, horny or just something else an a...

Score 9 9
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Caught by a Celebrity

Borrowed white stockings

This is really in reply to a comment I made after reading another story. I've been asked by lots of you who the celebrity was who caught me wearing her underwear. Potentially if I said who it was it could do some damage with the story being picked up by the media. Some details though... I'd been fucking a beauty of a woman on and off for a while. Even convinced her to have a threesome with a friend which she adored and wa...

Score 17 17
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I wrote a story some years back about my first outing in fem wear called ‘The Epic Journey’. Please search and read it as it happened prior to this event. Even those straight would find it amusing and I am very pleased to announce it was added to a book of TV stories and published in San Francisco, USA. Back in the early 2000’s I was invited to go to London to meet Tony Blair, the then Prime minister, Tessa Jowell and the...

Score 10 10
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