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Neglected wife Stories

neglected wife

Hubby will set the scene for this story before my wife takes over for the actual meeting. We are a happily married couple of over 40 years and been around Swinging Heaven for a few years without meeting anyone. He is 62, 6ft 2 tall and medium build, grey...

Fantasy or not?

Wife enjoys being pleasured

As you know hubby encourages me to have fun on here. After a night when he couldn't get it up, he organises a date for me. He drives me to potential lovers house. He invites us both in. We go in He invites us to have a drink. Hubby doesn't as he's driving...


Three wheels on her wagon

The wheel dropped off her stroller and I fixed more than just that.

I loved working from home. The other thing I liked was living opposite the primary school. Twice a day the yummy mummies would walk their children to and from school. There was one in particular that I loved to see. She looked to be in her mid twenties an...