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Mutual masturbation Stories

mutual masturbation

Growing up in the 1970's. Terry 1

Terry’s adventures with two middle-aged ladies

Terry Connor was a twenty year old young man who found himself located away from home because of his job. This was disconcerting to Terry who found himself alone when, in the nineteen seventies there was no other way of communicating to home or to friends...

As we all remember we left our couples trapped in the house but also trapped on the board, unable to move. What gives, man? Well all the answers are here now in the next scintillating chapter of our latest sprawling saga. WOULD ALL THE PLAYERS PLEASE STAN...


Is this cheating?

Meeting with an old fwb was always going to be risky, but it was one of our sexiest experiences

Since I was 18, Tom has been my fwb and we’d get together whenever either of us were single. Over the years both of us have moved around the country, had a string of different partners and he even got married - but we’ve always remained friends. Friends w...