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Anal sex Stories

anal sex

Old man and the young housewife

A story about a married woman and a much older man.

This is a story about Michelle and her older lover Peter. Myself and hubby had gone through a rough patch about 10 years ago. In our late 30s, a young family and not enough hours in the day, we never had time for us. We went 3 months without sex. Hubby ha...

Dear Agony Aunt Claire

The strange tale about banana Wheatabix

Dear Agony Aunt Claire . Something has happened in my life that troubles me. I am a recently retired man who has been happily married to my wife for more years than I would care to remember. We still have a sex life, though over the years it has dwindled...

Wife finally realises her ' Real' sexual desires

Several months of abstinence from the swinging scene revealed just how frustrated my wife was.

It had been several months since we, as a couple, had met anyone to satisfy my wife's ‘ cravings’ for sex and my humiliation having to watch her have it, we had the odd fumble together but other than that nothing. I thought our adventures together were ov...

Fun in the Sun - part 3

Me and Annie go full on together

After a while we had to get ready to go out Annie wore another frightenly tight short dress which although not see through made it obvious that she wasn't wearing any underwear. I wore a nice dress - and with a lot of Annie's encouragement went out brales...

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Fun in the Sun

Broadening My Horizons

Hi Everyone, My name is Rebecca but most people call me Becky . I have been looking at the site for quite a while now but have only just decided to post a story Thanks to everyone who has sent me such nice messages when I joined SH :) I thought it would b...

Sharing my wife with strangers.

Some of our hottest experiences came by total surprise.

We'd been married for three years and had been swingers for most of that time. Lynn was an avid exhibitionist and exposed herself to my friends when we were at home, and everyone possible when we were out of town. We had gone to a convention out of town a...

Friend takes it one step further

After London , I was genuinely confused about what had happened but between him and my wife there would be no doubt what his intentions were

If you haven't read 'Stranded with a friend ' then I'd highly recommend you do first before continuing. Part 2 I was still reeling from the event in London with my friend as I had absolutely no idea he swung that way, however my wife and his were now acut...