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Cheating wife Stories

cheating wife

If you have read my stories my wife of 30 years Ally has confessed to fucking many of my friends and colleagues -every wild story is true by the way. She had previously told me about fucking a Fire officer who was conducting a drill at her workplace. Appa...

Another day visiting Maureen. Everything is perfect, Alan is at work and will be gone till the evening and no one else will disturb us. Standing in the hallway as I've entered I pull her against me with my arm wrapped around her midsection, and then kiss...

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My wife with yet another guy

My wife takes another lover

I have had a lovely message on here that has reminded me to write up the latest installment of my wife enjoying extra marital cock. I had to delete the first few stories of her affair with a young guy from her work due to him being a pain! But in the last...


Recognised from SH

No sex (sorry!) but might be the start of something

Just before Xmas me and husband where out in Lytham for drinks and food, the meal was great the waiter was a handsome tall guy, attentive, smiley, very chatty, edging towards flirty (with me) and seemed to be intentionally catching my eye a lot, then as H...


A dirty old neighbour has a big cock which sets his neighbours husband on course to be a cuckold.

I considered myself a lucky man. I had a nice job and a beautiful wife. I'm Jeff and my wife is named Jennifer me and our friends call her Jenn for short. We met in college I played football, nothing that impressive just good enough to get into school, An...